Lufthygiene als Erfolgsfaktor (Page)
langfristige Schadstoffbelastung mit Feinstaub (Partikel mit einem Durchmesser von 2,5 Mikrometern oder weniger PM 2,5 ) auf 5 μg/m3 pro Jahr zu reduzieren, jene mit NO 2 auf 10 μg/m3 und jene mit Ozon auf ein [...] die in der Schweiz heute geltenden Grenzwerte reduzieren (Grafik 2 bis 4 [5]). Grafik 2. Verlauf der Jahresmittel von Feinstaub PM2,5 an repräsentativen Standorten des NABEL-Messnetzes, verkehrsexponiert [...] Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU). Luft: Fachinformationen. Accessed 5.1.2022...
Pacing pattern and speed skating performance in competitive long-distance events (Publications)
in lap times were significant in each instance for women's 3,000 m (p < 0.001). For the 5,000 m races, laps 5-12 in women and laps 8-12 in men were slower compared with previous laps (p < 0.001, for both [...] complete World Cup series. Elite skaters competed in long-distance races of different length (3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 m) and location (low/high altitude) where distribution of lap times were analyzed.
The epidemiology of multiple <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections. 10. Effect of insecticide-treated bed nets on the dynamics of multiple... (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 (msp2) gene were studied in 120 children aged 5 months to 2.5 years, in a randomized controlled trial of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) in Kiberege village [...] polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in any one sample of 0.5 microL of packed peripheral blood cells. In children less than 18 months old this sensitivity was 61%
Estimating population and livestock density of mobile pastoralists and sedentary settlements in the south-eastern Lake Chad area (Publications)
were estimated to live in sedentary villages. In the mobile communities, we found 5.9 people per km2 at the beginning and 17.5 people per km2 at the end of the dry season. We recorded per km2 on average 21 [...] 21.0 cattle and 31.6 small ruminants in the sedentary villages and 66.1 cattle and 102.5 small ruminants in the mobile communities, which amounts to a mean of 86.6 tropical livestock units during the dry
Serum vitamin E concentrations at 1 year and risk of atopy, atopic dermatitis, wheezing, and asthma in childhood: the PASTURE study (Publications)
assessments of serum immunoglobulin E antibodies (year 1, 4.5, 6), atopic dermatitis, wheezing symptoms, and asthma (year 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). RESULTS: At 6 years of age, 66% and 82% of the original
Health of farming communities prior to modification of the occupational environment through a watershed development project in Kolar, India (Publications)
the age of 5 years in the four project villages and four comparison villages. Results: Respondents (n = 333) reported household‑level occurrences of VBDs (chikungunya, 3.3%; and dengue, 1.5%), consuming [...] consuming unsafe water (54.5%) and frequent pesticide application in fields (26.7%). The prevalence of child underweight was 23.8%. Conclusions: VBDs, poor water quality and child undernutrition were found to
Clinical diversity and treatment results in tegumentary leishmaniasis: a European clinical report in 459 patients (Publications)
associated with mucosal involvement (2.7% vs 5.3%). Patients with mucosal lesions were older (58 vs 30 years) and more frequently immunocompromised (37% vs 3.5%) compared to patients with only skin lesions [...] braziliensis or L. guyanensis complex typically had an ulcer of the lower limbs with mucosal involvement in 5.8% of cases. Typically, infections with L. major and L. tropica acquired in Africa or the Middle East
Safety and immunogenicity of radiation-attenuated PfSPZ vaccine in equatoguinean infants, children, and adults (Publications)
ed Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites (PfSPZ) Vaccine has demonstrated safety and immunogenicity in 5-month-old to 50-year-old Africans in multiple trials. Except for one, each trial has restricted enrollment [...] intervals in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial stratified by age (6-11 months and 1-5, 6-10, 11-17, 18-35, and 36-61 years). All doses were successfully administered. In all, 192/207 injections [...] occurred in 67/69 vaccinees (97%) and 0/15 controls. Median...
Short-term joint effects of PM10, NO2 and SO2 on cardio-respiratory disease hospital admissions in Cape Town, South Africa (Publications)
respiratory disease (RD) were 1.9% (0.5–3.2%), 2.3% (0.6–4%), and1.1% (−0.2–2.4%), respectively. For cardiovascular disease (CVD), these values were 2.1% (0.6–3.5%),1% (−0.8–2.8%), and−0.3% (−1.6–1.1%) [...] cumulative risks for RD perIQR increase in PM10and NO2for children were 2% (0.2–3.9%) and 3.1% (0.7–5.6%), respectively. Conclusion: We found robust associations of daily respiratory disease hospital admissions
Analysis of the physicochemical properties of anti-schistosomal compounds to identify next-generation leads (Publications)
schistosomiasis and demonstrate the importance of finding the right balance among potency (e.g., EC50 < 5 and 0.5 μM), cell permeability (e.g., Papp > 2 × 106 cm/s) and kinetic aqueous solubility (e.g., > 10 μM) [...] (PZQ), previous and currently used oral anti-schistosomal drugs, possess lower cLogD7.4 values (≤2.5). Furthermore, the lipophilicity associated with PZQ corresponds to a highly permeable and sparingly