Prospective multicentre accuracy evaluation of the FUJIFILM SILVAMP TB LAM test for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in people living with HIV... (Publications)
specificity estimates varied between sites, ranging from 26·5% (95% CI: 17·4%-38·0%) to 73·2% (60·4%-83·0%), and 75·0 (65·0%-82·9%) to 96·5 (92·1%-98·5%), respectively. Post-hoc exploratory analysis identified
Development of prediction models to identify hotspots of schistosomiasis in endemic regions to guide mass drug administration (Publications)
challenge in eliminating schistosomiasis. Current approaches to identify hotspots require evaluation 2-5 y after a baseline survey and subsequent mass drug administration. Here, we develop statistical models [...] predicts whether Schistosoma mansoni infection prevalence will exceed the WHO threshold of 10% in year 5 ("prevalence hotspot") with 86% sensitivity, 74% specificity, and 93% negative predictive value (NPV; [...] whether S. mansoni moderate and heavy infection prevalence will exceed a...
Association of ambient air pollution with lengths of hospital stay for Hanoi children with acute lower-respiratory infection, 2007-2016 (Publications)
was associated with a 5% (95%CI: 2%-8%) decrease in the odds of discharge from hospital among children with ALRI. Results were similar for PM10, but only for children aged 2-5 years. For the other pollutants [...] AND METHODS: The association was examined using admission data for 75,432 children in Hanoi, aged 0-5 years, hospitalized with acute lower-respiratory infection (ALRI) and daily air pollutant levels in
Efficacy and safety of moxidectin, synriam, synriam-praziquantel <em>versus</em> praziquantel against <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em> and <em>S.... (Publications)
the other hand, Synriam plus praziquantel and praziquantel yielded CRs of 60.0% and 38.5% and ERRs of 96.0% and 93.5%, respectively. CRs observed in the treatment of S. mansoni were 13.0%, 6.7%, 27.0%, and [...] Synriam, Synriam plus praziquantel and praziquantel, respectively. ERRs ranged from 64.9% (Synriam) to 87.5% (praziquantel). CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Synriam and moxidectin show low efficacy against S. haematobium
Effect of insecticide-treated bed nets on the dynamics of multiple <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 (msp2) gene were studied in 120 children aged 5 months to 2.5 years, in a randomized controlled trial of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) in Kiberege village [...] polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in any one sample of 0.5 microL of packed peripheral blood cells. In children less than 18 months old this sensitivity was 61%
Modelling the health and economic impacts of the elimination of river blindness (onchocerciasis) in Africa (Publications)
$37.2 million-$39.9 million and out-of-pocket payments by $25.5 million-$26.9 million over 2013-2045, and generate economic benefits up to $5.9 billion-$6.4 billion in terms of income gains. DISCUSSION: [...] terms of income gains. RESULTS: The elimination of onchocerciasis in Africa would avert 4.3 million-5.6 million disability-adjusted life years over 2013-2045 when compared with staying in the control mode
Reproducibility of oscillometrically measured arterial stiffness indices: results of the SAPALDIA 3 cohort study (Publications)
variance was accounted for by the subject, 5.2%/8.1%/ < 0.01% by the fieldworker, 6.7%/7.8%/28.5% by variation between measurement days, and 19.4%/4%/16.5% by measurement error. Bland-Altman plots showed
Alkamides from <em>Anacyclus pyrethrum</em> L. and their <em>in vitro</em> antiprotozoal activity (Publications)
isolated as an inseparable mixture (1:4). Compounds 3, 4, and 5 were isolated from Anacycluspyrethrum L. for the first time. While compounds 4 and 5 were previously known from the genus Achillea, compound 3 [...] deca-2E,4E-dienoic acid 2-phenylethylamide (4), undeca-2E,4E-dien-8,10-diynoic acid isopentylamide (5), tetradeca-2E,4E,12Z-trien-8,10-diynoic acid isobutylamide (6), and dodeca-2E,4E-dien acid 4-hydro
The impact of acute air pollution fluctuations on bronchiectasis pulmonary exacerbation: a case-crossover analysis (Publications)
NO2, the risk of having an exacerbation that same day increased significantly by 4.5% (95%CI:0.9-8.3) and 3.2% (95%CI:0.7-5.8) respectively. The overall increase in risk of exacerbation for a 10 mug/m(3) [...] mug/m(3) increase in air pollutant concentration was 11.2% (95%CI:6.0-16.8) for PM10 and 4.7% (95%CI:0.1-9.5) for NO2 Subanalysis showed significant higher relative risks during spring (PM10 1.198, 95%CI 1.102-1
SCORE operational research on moving toward interruption of schistosomiasis transmission (Publications)
SCORE developed and funded the T5 strategy implemented in Egypt, Kenya, and Tanzania. It is likely that focal MDA campaigns, along with more targeted approaches, including a T5 strategy and snail control, [...] to elimination included a feasibility and acceptability assessment of test-treat-track-test-treat (T5) strategies and mathematical modeling. Future evaluations of interventions to eliminate schistosomiasis