Aetiology of fever in returning travelers and migrants: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Publications)
ratios demonstrated that splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia and hyperbilirubinemia were respectively 5-14, 3-11 and 5-7 times more likely in malaria than non-malaria patients. High variability of results between [...] extraction. Tropical infections accounted for 33% of fever diagnoses, with malaria causing 22%, dengue 5% and enteric fever 2%. Non-tropical infections accounted for 36% of febrile cases, with acute gastr
Estimating the effect of vaccination on antimicrobial-resistant typhoid fever in 73 countries supported by Gavi: a mathematical modelling study (Publications)
predicted to avert 42.5 million (95% PI 24.8-62.8 million) cases and 506 000 (95% PI 187 000-1.9 million) deaths caused by FQNS typhoid fever, and 21.2 million (95% PI 16.4-26.5 million) cases and 342 [...] 342 000 (95% PI 135 000-1.5 million) deaths from multidrug-resistant typhoid fever over 10 years following introduction. INTERPRETATION: Our results indicate the benefits of prioritising TCV introduction
Malaria infection prevalence and sensitivity of reactive case detection in Zanzibar (Publications)
households and 0.4% of those residing in non-index households tested positive (OR = 8.4; 95%CI: 5.7, 12.5). Of 6,281 participants tested by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), 8.4% of those residing [...] within 50 m of the index household as compared with those located farther away (OR = 0.8, 95%CI: 0.5, 1.4). Sensitivity of RDT to detect qPCR-detectable infections was 34% (95%CI: 26.4, 42.3). CONCLUSIONS:
Residential exposure to air pollution and incidence of leukaemia in the industrial area of Viadana, Northern Italy (Publications)
by age, between 1999 and 2014. We assigned estimated exposures to particulate matter (PM(10), PM(2.5)), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)), and formaldehyde at residential addresses, averaged over the susceptibility [...] formaldehyde, and prior cancer diagnoses. RESULTS: There was no association of exposures to PM(10), PM(2.5), and NO(2) with leukaemia incidence. However, an indication of increased risk emerged for formaldehyde [...] formaldehyde were higher for acute (OR 2.07, 95%CI 0.70-6.12) and...
Case-control study of individuals with discrepant nucleocapsid and spike protein SARS-CoV-2 IgG results (Publications)
[95% CI 72.1-92.5%] vs 94.7% [95% CI 85.4-98.9%]) but more specific (99.2% [95% CI 95.5-100%] vs 86.9% [95% CI 79.6-92.3%]) than anti-S1. Abbott anti-N sensitivity could be improved to 96.5% with minimal
SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid plasma antigen for diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19 (Publications)
plasma samples. Median plasma antigen concentration (log10 fg/mL) was 5.4 (interquartile range 3.9-6.0) in outpatients, 6.0 (5.4-6.5) in inpatients, and 6.6 (6.1-7.2) in intensive care unit (ICU) patients
Human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis - a systematic review and analysis of the literature (Publications)
reported in a total of 40.5% of the reviewed cases and severe and even life-threatening complications are not infrequent (e.g. acute renal failure 9.8%, multi organ failure 7.5%, ARDS 6.3%, a.o.), sequelae [...] all continents except from Antarctica. HGA primarily presents as an unspecific febrile illness (88.5% of the cases) often accompanied by thrombocytopenia (71.8% of the cases), abnormal liver injury tests
Effectiveness of three sampling approaches for optimizing mapping and preventive chemotherapy against <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> in the western part... (Publications)
d'Ivoire. The prevalence and intensity of Schistosoma mansoni infection were assessed in children aged 5-14 years using three sampling approaches. The first approach involved a random selection of 50% of the [...] villages selected by approach 2 in each health district. The overall prevalence of S. mansoni was 23.5% (95% confidence interval (CI): 19.9-27.6%), 21.6% (95% CI: 17.1-26.8%), and 18.3% (95% CI: 11.9-27 [...] stool (EPG) (95% CI: 109.3-127.3 EPG), 104.6 EPG (95% CI: 93.8-116.6 EPG),...
Molecular detection and genetic characterization of zoonotic hookworm in semi-domesticated cats residing in monasteries in Bangkok, Thailand (Publications)
one year (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.1-5.5, p < 0.05), lack of veterinary attention (OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.7-4.9, p < 0.001) and Bangkok zone (suburban vs. inner city; OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.6-5.4, p < 0.001) were significantly
Mendelian randomisation of eosinophils and other cell types in relation to lung function and disease (Publications)
respiratory disease. Eosinophil production and survival is controlled partly by interleukin-5: anti-interleukin-5 agents reduce asthma and response correlates with baseline eosinophil counts. However, whether [...] of respiratory health by these eosinophil-raising variants. These results could suggest that anti-IL5 agents (designed to lower eosinophils) may be valuable in treating other respiratory conditions, including