Allergic rhinitis and onset of bronchial hyperresponsiveness: a population-based study (Publications)
in subjects with allergic rhinitis and 7.0% in subjects with atopy but no rhinitis, compared with 5.5% in subjects without allergic rhinitis and atopy (respective odds ratios [OR] and their 95% confidence [...] were particularly at increased risk of developing BHR (ORs [95% CI], 7.90 [3.48-17.93] and 2.84 [1.36-5.93], respectively). Conversely, in subjects with BHR at baseline (n = 372), 35.3% of those with allergic
Cardiovascular mortality and exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields: a cohort study of Swiss railway workers (Publications)
(median lifetime exposure 120.5 muT-years), and less or little exposed shunting yard engineers (42.1 muT-years), train attendants (13.3 muT-years) and station masters (5.7 muT-years). During 464,129 p [...] person-years of follow up, 5,413 deaths were recorded and 3,594 deaths were attributed to cardio-vascular diseases. We analyzed data using Cox proportional hazards models. RESULTS: For all cardiovascular
Risk factors for Buruli ulcer in Ghana - a case control study in the Suhum-Kraboa-Coaltar and Akuapem south districts of the eastern region (Publications)
of wetland in the neighborhood (OR = 3.9, 95% CI = 1.9-8.2), insect bites in water/mud (OR = 5.7, 95% CI = 2.5-13.1), use of adhesive when injured (OR = 2.7, 95% CI = 1.1-6.8), and washing in the Densu river [...] District) diagnosed according to the WHO clinical case definition for BU and matched with age- (+/-5 years), gender-, and community controls. A structured questionnaire on host, demographic, environmental
How within-city socioeconomic disparities affect life expectancy? Results of Urban HEART in Tehran, Iran (Publications)
SES. The e0 gender gap among districts was 5.5 years for females and 3.7 years for males. The highest and lowest mean of e0 observed in SC1 (highest class) and SC5 (lowest class), were 77.6 and 76.0 years
<em>CHI3L1 </em>polymorphisms, cord blood YKL-40 levels and later asthma development (Publications)
and measured cord blood YKL-40 levels by ELISA in (n = 170) infants. Lung function was performed at 5 weeks and 6 years. Respiratory health during the first year of life was assessed weekly by telephone [...] SNP rs10399805 was significantly associated with asthma at 6 years. The odds ratio for asthma was 4.5 (95 % CI 1.59-12.94) per T-allele. This finding was unchanged when adjusting for cord blood YKL-40 levels [...] asthma. SNPs in CHI3L1 and cord blood YKL-40 were not associated with lung...
Somatostatin-based radiotherapy with [90Y-DOTA]-TOC in neuroendocrine tumors: long-term outcome of a phase I dose escalation study (Publications)
hematotoxicities grade 1--4 were 65.0%, 64.9% and 74.8%; the incidences of grade 4/5 kidney toxicities were 8.4%, 6.5% and 14.0%, and the median survival was 39 (range: 1--158) months, 34 (range: 1--118) [...] 13-8.59) vs. intermediate dose, p = 0.03) and a shorter overall survival (Hazard Ratio: 2.50 (1.08-5.79) vs. low dose, p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Increasing [90Y-DOTA]-TOC activities may be associated with
The contribution of spatial analysis to understanding HIV/TB mortality in children: a structural equation modelling approach (Publications)
relayed on a conceptual framework. Results: Fifty-four of 6,692 children aged 1-5 years died of HIV/TB, from a total of 5,084 households. Maternal death had the greatest effect on child HIV/TB mortality [...] determinants and their spatial distribution in the rural Agincourt sub-district for children aged 1-5 years in 2004. Our secondary aim was to model how the associated factors were interrelated as either
Cholesterol screening in childhood: results of a 9-year follow-up study in Swiss and Italian children in Switzerland (Publications)
development of Swiss and immigrant schoolchildren, cardiovascular risk factors were assessed at the ages of 5, 10 and 14 years. The age-specific levels of total and LDL-cholesterol found in our study were slightly [...] found in the Bogalusa Heart Study. For total cholesterol no significant tracking correlations over the 5 and 9 year periods were found. Tracking of LDL- and HDL-cholesterol differed between nationalities and [...] different sampling and laboratory methods. Individual changes in...
Elemental composition of particulate matter and the association with lung function (Publications)
copper, iron, potassium, nickel, sulfur, silicon, vanadium, and zinc within PM smaller than 2.5 mum (PM2.5) and smaller than 10 mum (PM10) was estimated using land-use regression models. Associations between [...] differences in observed effect sizes between studies. METHODS:: We conducted a multicenter study in 5 European birth cohorts-BAMSE (Sweden), GINIplus and LISAplus (Germany), MAAS (United Kingdom), and PIAMA
Prevalence of drug-resistance mutations and HIV-1 subtypes in a HIV-1 infected COHORT in rural Tanzania (Publications)
The prevalence of major DR-SNPs in 2005-2007 in the RT gene was determined: K103N (5.0%), Y181C (2.5%), M184V (2.5%), G190A (1.7%) and M41L, K65KR, K70KR and L74LV (0.8%). In samples from 2009 only K103N