Prophylactic effect of artemether on human <em>Schistosomiasis mansoni</em> among Egyptian children: a randomized controlled trial (Publications)
PZQ twice four weeks apart, after which one group received 6mg/kg body weight of ART every 3 weeks in 5 cycles during the transmission season and the other group received ART-placebo. At the end of the study [...] o group, i.e. 6.7% versus 11.6%, and incidence of new infections for the PZQ/ART was 2.7% versus 6.5% for the PZQ/ART-placebo. In conclusion, PZQ/ART combined therapy might be considered as an adjunct
Impact of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine on antibody responses to erythrocytic-stage Plasmodium falciparum antigens... (Publications)
specific to whole asexual parasites and to recombinant MSP-1(19), AMA-1, and EBA-175 were measured at ages 5, 9, 12, and 24 months for 302 children by immunofluorescence antibody tests and by enzyme-linked im [...] MSP-1(19), which were significantly higher in the SP-treated group than in the placebo group at ages 5, 9, and/or 24 months. IPTi with SP given through the EPI reduces the frequency of malarial illness while
Multiplicity and diversity of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> infections in a highly endemic region in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
of the malaria cases in children less than 5 years of age. We collected 2117 blood samples at 2-monthly intervals from a cohort of 268 children aged 1 to 4.5 years and estimated the diversity and multiplicity
An observational study of material durability of three World Health Organization-recommended long-lasting insecticidal nets in eastern Chad (Publications)
were recorded by using three hole categories (average diameter = 2, 3.5, and 15 cm) and a Proportionate Hole Index (pHI). A total of 69.5% were in poor or very poor condition. There was no significant difference
Tuberculosis in HIV-negative and HIV-infected patients in a low-incidence country: clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes (Publications)
patients selected randomly from 4221 registered patients were analyzed. The registry sample included 10 (3.5%) coinfected patients not enrolled in the SHCS: the estimated number of HIV-infected patients not enrolled [...] 2000-2008 was 146 (95% CI 122-173). Coinfected patients were more likely to be from sub-Saharan Africa (51.5% versus 15.8%, P
Exposure assessment to dust and free silica for workers of Sangan iron ore mine in Khaf, Iran (Publications)
Tappeh Ghermez drilling no. 1 at 66 +/- 13 and 1.5 +/- 0.4 mg/m(3), respectively, while the minimum concentrations were measured in pneumatic hammer at 5.26 +/- 3 and 0.01 +/- 0.005 mg/m(3), respectively
Antiplasmodial ealapasamines A-C,'mixed' naphthylisoquinoline dimers from the Central African liana <em>Ancistrocladus ealaensis</em> (Publications)
ally unsymmetric dimers are the first stereochemically fully assigned cross-coupling products of a 5,8'- and a 7,8'-coupled naphthylisoquinoline linked via C-6' in both naphthalene portions. So far, only [...] dimers with a central 6,6''-axis, yet, in contrast to the ealapasamines, usually consisting of two 5,8'-coupled monomers, like e.g., in michellamine B. The new dimers 1-3 contain six elements of chirality
Sustaining the control of <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> in western Côte d'Ivoire: baseline findings before the implementation of a randomized... (Publications)
Overall, 4,953 first graders (aged 5-8 years) and 7,011 schoolchildren (aged 9-12 years) had complete parasitologic data. The overall prevalence of S. mansoni was 5.4% among first graders and 22.1% in
Multiple loci associated with indices of renal function and chronic kidney disease (Publications)
CKD cases). We identified significant SNP associations (P < 5 x 10(-8)) with CKD at the UMOD locus, with eGFRcrea at UMOD, SHROOM3 and GATM-SPATA5L1, and with eGFRcys at CST and STC1. UMOD encodes the most
Modeling the persistence of 4CMenB vaccine protection against real world meningococcal B disease in adolescents (Publications)
long-lived plasma cells. 4CMenB protection from real-world MenB disease persisted at 61.5% four years post-priming and 70.5% four years post-booster. This evidence could support decision-making on adolescent