Effect of home-based counselling on newborn care practices in southern Tanzania one year after implementation: a cluster-randomised controlled trial (Publications)
7-4.6)), and, for home births, tying the cord with a clean thread (69% versus 39%, OR 3.4 (95% CI 1.5-7.5)). For other behaviours there was little evidence of differences in reported practices between in [...] and identification and extra care for low birth weight babies. In 2011, in a representative sample of 5,240 households, we asked women who had given birth in the previous year both about counselling visits
Progress in mosquito net coverage in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
in 2009 P = 0.002), and 48.3% slept under a LLIN (32.5% in 2009, P = 0.001). LLIN use in children under five years amounted to 58.2%, compared to 39.5% in 2009 (P < 0.001). Significant regional differences [...] long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) distribution campaigns. In 2009, after the first distribution, only 32.5% of the population used a LLIN, mainly due to an insufficient number of nets available. This study
Adherence to standard treatment guidelines among prescribers in primary healthcare facilities in the Dodoma region of Tanzania (Publications)
infections (25%), malaria (18%), diarrhoea (9.9%), pneumonia (6.1%), skin problems (5.8%), gastrointestinal diagnoses (5%), urinary tract infections (4%), worm infestations (3.6%) and eye problems (2.1%) [...] medication was given in 621 cases (30.9%) and no diagnosis or medication was given in nine cases (0.5%). Sixty-one percent of all patients received an antibiotic regardless of the diagnoses. Complete adherence
Rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) IV: epidemiology of urban malaria in Cotonou (Benin) (Publications)
surveys, a malaria infection was found in 5.2 % of all samples. The prevalence rates of parasitaemia in the centre, intermediate and periphery zones were 2.6%, 9.0% and 2.5%, respectively. In the health facility [...] shown to be protective for an infection (OR = 0.23, 95% CI 0.07-0.78). Travelling to a rural area (5.8% of all respondents) did not increase the infection risk. CONCLUSION: The homogenously low malaria
Prevalence and distribution of livestock schistosomiasis and fascioliasis in Côte d'Ivoire: results from a cross-sectional survey (Publications)
more prevalent in farm animals. The prevalence of schistosomiasis in slaughtered cattle varied between 5.9% (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.7-19.7%) and 53.3% (95% CI: 37.9-68.3%) with the highest prevalence [...] of fascioliasis varied considerably from one department to another, ranging from nil (95% CI: 0.0-18.5%) to 50.8% (95% CI: 43.4-58.2%), with the highest prevalence found in farm cattle in Dikodougou in the [...] aged 4 years and older were at highest risk for schistosomiasis (odds...
Comparative assessment of insecticide resistance phenotypes in two major malaria vectors, <em>Anopheles funestus</em> and <em>Anopheles... (Publications)
funestus showed strong resistance to pyrethroids, surviving the 5x and 10x doses, while An. arabiensis reverted to susceptibility at the 5x dose. Pre-exposure to the synergist, piperonyl butoxide (PBO) [...] LLINs are widely used. METHODS: The study used the World Health Organization (WHO) assays with 1x, 5x and 10x insecticide doses to assess levels of resistance, followed by synergist bioassays to understand
Enterobiasis and strongyloidiasis and associated co-infections and morbidity markers in infants, preschool- and school-aged children from rural... (Publications)
in 4.2% of infants, 16.7%, of PSAC, and 26.3% of SAC. S. stercoralis infections were detected in 5.8%, 7.5%, and 7.1% of infants, PSAC, and SAC, respectively. Multivariable regression analyses revealed higher [...] predictor for anaemia in children aged older than two years (OR: 2.69; 95% CI: 1.23 inverted question mark 5.86).Conclusions E. vermicularis and S. stercoralis infections were moderately prevalent in children
Risk factors for schistosomiasis in an urban area in northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
interviewed about access to WASH and environmental and socioeconomic factors. All children abed between 5 and 15 years living in the households were selected to provide stool and urine samples for parasitological [...] among school-aged children in Korhogo was 1.9% (45/2341) composed of 0.3% (3/1248) S. haematobium and 3.5% (42/1202) S. mansoni. Due to the low prevalence of S. haematobium infection, risk factor analysis was [...] and 15 years of age were 3.8 times more likely to be infected than...
Medical use of cannabis in Switzerland: analysis of approved exceptional licences (Publications)
tissue disorders (119, 10%), dorsalgia (97, 8.1%), spinal muscular atrophy (65, 5.5%) and paraplegia/tetraplegia (62, 5.2%). Licence extensions were granted to 143 patients (26.4%) in 2013 and 324 patients
<em>In vitro</em> and<em> in vivo</em> activity of R- and S-praziquantel enantiomers and the main human metabolite trans-4-hydroxy-praziquantel... (Publications)
y. In vivo, R-PZQ was the most potent drug with worm burden reductions (WBRs) of 98.5, 75.6 and 73.3% at 125.0, 62.5 and 31.0 mg/kg, respectively. A single oral dose of 250.0 mg/kg PZQ resulted in a WBR [...] ED50 for R- and S-PZQ were 24.7 and 127.6 mg/kg, respectively, with a corresponding eudysmic ratio of 5.17. CONCLUSION: Our data support the theory of R-PZQ driving the antischistosomal activity. Interestingly