Quantification of self pollution from two diesel school buses using three independent methods (Publications)
6.8 mug/m(3) of PM(2.5) inside the bus, respectively, with significantly higher crankcase self pollution (SP) when windows were closed. Approximately two-thirds of in-cabin PM(2.5) originated from background
Development of land use regression models for elemental, organic carbon, PAH and hopanes/steranes in 10 ESCAPE/TRANSPHORM European study areas (Publications)
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), hopanes/steranes and elemental and organic carbon (EC/OC) content of PM2.5. In 10 European study areas PAH, hopanes/steranes and EC/OC concentrations were measured at 16-40 sites [...] The moderate to high explained variance of LUR models and the overall moderate correlation with PM2.5 model predictions support the application of especially the OC and PAH models in epidemiological studies
Men benefit more from midlife leisure-time physical activity than women regarding the development of late-life disability - results from the KORA-age... (Publications)
of physical activity and disability. RESULTS: We analysed 3333 persons with a mean follow-up of 18±5.5years. Using hurdle models, moderate activity and high activity had a protective effect on the occurrence
<em>Strongyloides stercoralis</em> infection and re-infection in a cohort of children in Cambodia (Publications)
per child. Complete data were available for 302 participants. We observed infections in 24.2% and 22.5% of the children at baseline and at follow-up, respectively. At baseline, 73 children were treated for [...] Infection and re-infection rates of S. stercoralis among schoolchildren are considerably high. However, 68.5% of infected children remained free of infection for at least two years. A large-scale cohort study
Whole blood transcriptome changes following controlled human malaria infection in malaria pre-exposed volunteers correlate with parasite prepatent... (Publications)
samples were collected in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, from ten adults who were injected intradermally (ID) with 2.5x104 aseptic, purified, cryopreserved P. falciparum sporozoites (Sanaria(R) PfSPZ Challenge). A total [...] identified as differentially expressed following CHMI. Transcriptional changes were most pronounced on day 5 after inoculation, during the clinically silent liver phase. A secondary analysis, grouping the volunteers
Hepatitis A in Switzerland: an analysis of 29 years of surveillance data and contemporary challenges (Publications)
on rates were calculated. RESULTS: From 1988 to 2016, the HA notification rate decreased from 9.5 to 0.5 per 100'000 population in Switzerland. Median age and the proportion of hospitalised cases increased
The interspecific competition between larvae of <em>Aedes aegypti</em> and major african malaria vectors in a semi-field system in Tanzania (Publications)
0:200 (Ae. aegypti: Anopheles), reared with and without food, in small habitats (8.5 cm height × 15 cm diameter) with 0.5 liters of water and large habitats (15 cm height × 35 cm diameter) with 1 liter of
Socio-economic factors influencing intimate partner violence among adolescents and young women in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review (Publications)
review. RESULTS: The majority of the publications, ten (62.5%) were cross-sectional studies, while four (25%) were qualitative studies and two (12.5%) were mixed methods studies. The review found that lack
Candidate-gene based GWAS identifies reproducible DNA markers for metabolic pyrethroid resistance from standing genetic variation in East African... (Publications)
gene, Vgsc). The putative associations were confirmed for two of the marker SNPs, in the P450 Cyp4j5 and the esterase Coeae1d by reproducible association with pyrethroid resistance in multiple field c [...] also showed evidence of association with resistance as did environmental humidity. Sequencing of Cyp4j5 and Coeae1d detected no resistance-linked loss of diversity, suggesting selection from standing variation
Simulation of population-based commuter exposure to NO2 using different air pollution models (Publications)
range: 21-61) than with a dispersion model with a lower resolution (39 ± 5 µg m-3; range: 24-51), and a land use regression model (41 ± 5 µg m-3; range: 24-54). Highest median cumulative exposures were calculated