Recherche de 5.
Men benefit more from midlife leisure-time physical activity than women regarding the development of late-life disability - results from the KORA-age... (Publications)
Preventive chemotherapy in one year reduces by over 80% the number of individuals with soil-transmitted helminthiases causing morbidity: results from... (Publications)
Simulation of population-based commuter exposure to NO2 using different air pollution models (Publications)
School distribution as keep-up strategy to maintain universal coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets: implementation and results of a program in... (Publications)
Subtle to severe hepatobiliary morbidity in <em>Opisthorchis viverrini </em>endemic settings in Southern Laos (Publications)
Whole blood transcriptome changes following controlled human malaria infection in malaria pre-exposed volunteers correlate with parasite prepatent... (Publications)
A new alkamide with an endoperoxide structure from <em>Acmella ciliata</em> (Asteraceae) and its <em>in vitro</em> antiplasmodial activity (Publications)
Effects of scale, question location, order of response alternatives, and season on self-reported noise annoyance using ICBEN scales: a field... (Publications)
Pathways and associated costs of care in patients with confirmed and presumptive tuberculosis in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
Testing bio-efficacy of insecticide-treated nets with fewer mosquitoes for enhanced malaria control (Publications)