Antimicrobial resistance in humans, animals, water and household environs in rural Andean Peru: exploring dissemination pathways through the One... (Publications)
highest resistance to tetracycline (31.3%). Among samples from the children’s drinking water source, 32.5% were positive for thermotolerant coliforms, and 57.1% of them were E. coli. One third of E. coli isolates [...] and displayed the highest AMR to tetracycline (25.7%). We determined thermotolerant coliforms in 97.5% of the child feces samples; 45.3% of them were E. coli, 15.9% displayed multidrug resistance, and displayed [...] displayed the highest resistance to ampicillin (34.1%). We...
Projections of excess mortality related to diurnal temperature range under climate change scenarios: a multi-country modelling study (Publications)
Panel on Climate Change, from the lowest to the highest emission scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0, and RCP 8.5). Excess deaths attributable to the DTR during the current (1985-2015) and future (2020-99) [...] that DTR was associated with excess mortality. Under the unmitigated climate change scenario (RCP 8.5), the future average DTR is projected to increase in most countries and regions (by -0.4 to 1.6 degrees
Associations between extreme temperatures and cardiovascular cause-specific mortality: results from 27 countries (Publications)
with least mortality. Across a range of extreme temperatures, hot days (above 97.5th percentile) and cold days (below 2.5th percentile) accounted for 2.2 (95% empirical CI [eCI], 2.1-2.3) and 9.1 (95% eCI [...] of daily counts of speci fi c cardiovascular causes of death from 567 cities in 27 countries across 5 continents in overlapping periods ranging from 1979 to 2019. City-speci fi c daily ambient temperatures
The empirical support for the radical cure strategy for eliminating <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> in China (Publications)
distribution for the duration of the first relapse interval after primary infection was 168.5 days (2.5% quantile: 89.7; 97.5% quantile: 227.69 days). The predicted survival proportions from the within-host model
Long-term exposure to transportation noise and diabetes mellitus mortality: a national cohort study and updated meta-analysis (Publications)
1.02 [1.01, 1.03], and 1.02 [1.00, 1.03] per 10 dB road traffic [n = 14], railway [n = 5] and aircraft noise [n = 5], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new evidence that transportation noise [...] L(den), well below the 53 dB L(den) WHO guideline level), but not railway noise. Substituting for PM(2.5), or including deaths with type 1 DM hardly changed the associations. HRs were higher for males compared
Trends of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> molecular markers associated with resistance to artemisinins and reduced susceptibility to lumefantrine in... (Publications)
falciparum multidrug resistance 1 (pfmdr1). RESULTS: Sequencing success was ≥ 87.8%, and 1,724/1,769 (97.5%) k13 wild-type samples were detected. Thirty-seven (2.1%) samples had synonymous mutations and only [...] samples carried N86 (wild-type), while mutations at Y184F increased from 33.9% in 2016 to about 60.5% in 2021, and only four samples (0.2%) had D1246Y mutations. pfmdr1 haplotypes were reported in 1,711 [...] sample, 0.1%). Between 2016 and 2021, NYD decreased from 66.1% to 45.2%,...
Prospects for dog rabies elimination in Nigeria by 2030 (Publications)
and the most populous country in Africa has a very poor rabies control strategy with a score of 1.5 out of 5 based on the Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination (SARE). In this article, we report a [...] impossible. Nigeria's best-case scenario by the year 2030 is SARE stage 3-4 (control-elimination) out of 5. Otherwise, the rabies control programme might not surpass SARE stages 2-3. To attain zero by 30, Nigeria
Health worker compliance with severe malaria treatment guidelines in the context of implementing pre-referral rectal artesunate in the Democratic... (Publications)
therapy (ACT). This study aimed to assess compliance with this treatment recommendation in children under 5 years. METHODS AND FINDINGS: This observational study accompanied the implementation of RAS in the [...] treatment was assessed during admission in included referral health facilities (RHFs) in children under 5 with a diagnosis of severe malaria. Children were either referred from a community-based provider or [...] parenteral antimalarial and an ACT were administered to 2.7% (28/1,051)...
Drug susceptibility testing and mortality in patients treated for tuberculosis in high-burden countries: a multicentre cohort study (Publications)
patients with tuberculosis were included in this analysis; the median age was 33.2 years (IQR 26.9-42.5), 239 (38%) were women, 272 (43%) were HIV-positive, and 69 (11%) patients died. Based on the reference [...] (62%) strains were pan-susceptible, 45 (7%) monoresistant, 163 (26%) multidrug-resistant (MDR), and 30 (5%) had pre-extensively or extensively drug resistant (pre-XDR or XDR) tuberculosis. Results of reference [...] discordant for 121 (19%) of 634. Overall, sensitivity to detect any...
Transmission of hepatitis B and D viruses in an African rural community (Publications)
Expanded Program on Immunization for newborns in 2005, an HBsAg carriage rate of 5% was found in children below the age of 5 years. Of the 54 HBsAg-positive samples, 49 HBV pre-S/S sequences (7 genotype A [...] serum samples from most (401/448) of the villagers. HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) was detected in 54 (13.5%) of the 401 samples, with 15% of them also containing anti-HDV antibodies. Although Cameroon has integrated