Air pollution and childhood leukaemia: a nationwide case-control study in Italy (Publications)
length of main roads within 100 m) and estimates of pollutants concentrations (particulate matter -PM2.5 and PM10- and gases -NO2 and O3-) from national dispersion model and land use regression models. The [...] controls lived along busy roads, and the mean annual PM10 levels were 33.3 (SD=6.3) and 33.4 µg/m3 (SD=6.5), respectively. No association was found, and all ORs, independent of the method of assessment and the
Global investment targets for malaria control and elimination between 2016 and 2030 (Publications)
Results: Annual investments of $6.4 billion (95% uncertainty interval (UI $4.5-$9.0 billion)) by 2020, $7.7 billion (95% UI $5.4-$10.9 billion) by 2025 and $8.7 billion (95% UI $6.0-$12.3 billion) by 2030
Oral fexinidazole for late-stage African <em>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense </em>trypanosomiasis: a pivotal multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority... (Publications)
Therefore, we aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of an oral regimen of fexinidazole (a 2-substituted 5-nitroimidazole with proven trypanocidal activity) versus nifurtimox eflornithine combination therapy [...] statisticians were masked to treatment. Oral fexinidazole was given once a day (days 1-4: 1800 mg, days 5-10: 1200 mg). Oral nifurtimox was given three times a day (days 1-10: 15 mg/kg per day) with eflornithine
Multicountry distribution and characterization of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-associated gram-negative bacteria from bloodstream infections in... (Publications)
least one of the screened ESBL genes. Among specific Gram-negative isolates, 40 (45.5%) of 88 Klebsiella spp., 7 (5.7%) of 122 Escherichia coli, 6 (16.2%) of 37 Acinetobacter spp., and 2 (1.3%) of 159
Effectiveness of four different interventions against <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em> in a seasonal transmission setting of Côte d'Ivoire: a cluster... (Publications)
to the standard treatment arm (0.6% vs. 7.5%; odds ratio [OR] = 0.07, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.02 to 0.24). The prevalence in arms 2 and 4 was about 3.5%, which was not statistically significantly
Temporal trends in legionellosis national notification data and the effect of COVID-19, Switzerland, 2000-2020 (Publications)
for legionellosis cases increased from 1.1/100,000 population (CI: 0.9-1.4) in 2000 to 5.6/100,000 population (CI: 5.1-6.1) in 2020. In recent years, the summer peaks have been more pronounced and some shifted
Pollen exposure is associated with risk of respiratory symptoms during the first year of life (Publications)
mixed models (GAMM). Effect modification by maternal atopy, infant's sex and air pollution (NO2 , PM2.5 ) was assessed with interaction terms. RESULTS: Per infant 37+/-2 (mean+/-SD) respiratory symptom scores [...] by maternal atopy and infant's sex, a complex crossover interaction between combined pollen and PM2.5 was found (p-Value 0.002). CONCLUSION: Even as early as during the first year of life, pollen exposure
Malnutrition, anemia, micronutrient deficiency and parasitic infections among schoolchildren in rural Tanzania (Publications)
and were more likely to be diagnosed with Plasmodium falciparum infection (aOR: 3.95, 95% CI: 2.73-5.67). Vitamin A (34.70%) and vitamin B12 (8.80%) were the most prevalent micronutrients found to be deficient [...] schools were five times more likely to be diagnosed with at least one micronutrient deficiency (aOR: 5.04, 95% CI: 2.38-11.44). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Malnutrition, anemia and micronutrient deficiency
Wounds to the dorsal carpus (coronation injury) in horses: treatment, complications and survival (Publications)
prognosis for hospital survival was 97.8% and the long-term coronation specific mortality risk was 4.3%. 87.5% were sound and returned to intended use. Risk factors for prolonged hospitalisation time were extensor [...] tendon involvement (4.2 days), carpal joint involvement (3.8 days) and complications (skin necrosis [9.5 days] and local infection [3.2 days]. Coronation injuries reccurred in 8.8% and 20% had evidence of
Animal-assisted therapy for patients in a minimally conscious state: a randomized two treatment multi-period crossover trial (Publications)
CI: 0.01 to 0.22, p = 0.038). AAT led to significantly higher LF (b = 5.82, 95% CI: 0.55 to 11.08, p = 0.031) and lower HF (b = -5.80, 95% CI: -11.06 to -0.57, p = 0.030), while heart rate, SDNN, RMSSD