Association between long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and subclinical atherosclerosis: the REGICOR study (Publications)
status, and several other potential confounders or intermediates.Results: Exposure contrasts between the 5th and 95th percentiles for NO2 (25 µg/m3), traffic intensity in the nearest street (15,000 vehicles/day) [...] traffic load within 100 m (7,200,000 vehicle-m/day) were associated with differences of 0.56% (95% CI: -1.5, 2.6%), 2.32% (95% CI: 0.48, 4.17%), and 1.91% (95% CI: -0.24, 4.06) percent difference in IMT, respectively
Barriers and facilitators to enrollment and re-enrollment into the community health funds/Tiba Kwa Kadi (CHF/TIKA) in Tanzania: a cross-sectional... (Publications)
status (AOR = 2.0, 95% CI 1.1-3.8) and family size (household with > /= 6 members) (AOR = 1.5, 95% CI 1.0-2.5), were significant factors associated with enrollment/re-enrollment rate. CONCLUSIONS: This
Screening of the 'Open Scaffolds' collection from<em> Compounds Australia</em> identifies a new chemical entity with anthelmintic activities against... (Publications)
induced a characteristic, "coiled" xL3 phenotype (IC50 = 3.46-5.93 muM), inhibited motility of fourth-stage larvae (L4s; IC50 = 0.31-12.5 muM) and caused considerable cuticular damage to L4s in vitro.
Signatures of transmission in within-host <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </em>complex variation: a retrospective genomic epidemiology study (Publications)
across studies: mean 168·6 minority variants (95% CI 151·4-185·9) for the Colangeli et al dataset, 5·8 (1·5-10·2) for Guthrie et al (p
Excess mortality during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: evidence from a rural survey (Publications)
p-score and incidence rate ratio (IRR) utilising Poisson segmented regression. We employed the InterVA-5 algorithm to attribute causes of death. Proportional distribution and cause-specific mortality rates [...] stroke (CSMR = 108.0, CI = 102.6-114.0), and acute respiratory infection (CSMR = 61.0, CI = 55.1-66.5), all displaying significantly higher mortality rates than in previous years. Older age (IRR = 1.6)
Health system support among patients with ME/CFS in Switzerland (Publications)
disease knowledge among health professionals in Switzerland led 13.5% of the patients to travel abroad to seek a diagnosis. Most patients (90.5%) were told at least once that their symptoms were psychosomatic
Trends in maternal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic-evidence from Zambia (Publications)
trial of early childhood development to assess mental health distress among mothers of children under 5-years-old living in two rural areas of Zambia during the COVID-19 pandemic. We examined the prevalence [...] as factors modifying to the COVID-19 induced changes in the mental health status. At baseline, 22.5% of women were in mental health distress. The odds of mental health distress among women increased
Decentralised treatment solutions for on-site faecal sludge: quantifying the removal efficiencies of two novel systems in an East African city (Publications)
latrine back-ends and transported to the plants which had loading capacities of 4 m3 d−1 for system 1 and 5 m3 d−1 for system 2. Systems were monitored for 14 consecutive weeks for physical, chemical and mic [...] clear. However, the digested and dried faecal sludge from system 1 had E. coli concentrations of 2.5 × 106 cfu g−1 and was not recommended for unrestricted agricultural use based on the WHO guidelines
Feasibility and acceptability of a strategy deploying multiple first-line artemisinin-based combination therapies for uncomplicated malaria in the... (Publications)
malaria patients were surveyed at PHFs, of which 79.1% were tested by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) with 65.5% positivity rate. In total, 86.1% of the confirmed cases received the appropriate ACT according to the [...] Overall, the compliance level of health workers (HWs) with MFT strategy was 72.7% (95% CI: 69.7-75.5). The odds of using PHF as the first source of care increased after the intervention (aOR = 1.6; 95%
Temporal distribution of <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>recrudescence following artemisinin-based combination therapy: an individual participant data... (Publications)
3703 recurrent infections were detected in 60 studies conducted in Africa (15,512 children aged < 5 years) and 23 studies conducted in Asia and South America (5272 patients of all ages). Using molecular [...] dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DP) efficacy trial in Africa was 47% [95% CI 19-90%] in children under 5 years old treated with > 48 mg/kg total piperaquine (PIP) dose and 9% [95% CI 0-22%] in those treated