Sensory modulation of voluntary and TMS-induced activation in hand muscles (Publications)
noxious D2 and digit V (D5) stimulation. Then, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to evoke MEPs in the same hand muscles at rest-conditioned by equal noxious D2 or D5 stimulation and individually
Ziehl-neelsen staining technique can diagnose paragonimiasis (Publications)
appeared brownish-reddish in ZNS and were detected in 6 of 263 archived ZNS slides corresponding to 5 patients. One hundred sputum samples from 43 patients were examined with three techniques, which revealed [...] Sensitivity per slide of the FECT, ZNS and the WF technique was 84.6 (p = 0.48), 76.9 (p = 0.25) and 61.5% (p = 0.07), respectively. Percentage of fragmented eggs was below 19% and did not differ between techniques
Tribendimidine and albendazole for treating soil-transmitted helminths, <em>Strongyloides stercoralis</em> and <em>Taenia</em> spp.: open-label... (Publications)
efficacy of a single oral dose of albendazole or tribendimidine (both drugs administered at 200 mg for 5- to 14-year-old children, and 400 mg for individuals > /=15 years) against soil-transmitted helminths [...] tribendimidine, the prevalence of S. stercoralis was reduced from 19.3% to 8.8% (observed cure rate 54.5%, p = 0.107), and that of Taenia spp. from 26.3% to 8.8% (observed cure rate 66.7%, p = 0.014). Similar
Assessing the impact of malaria interventions on morbidity through a community-based surveillance system (Publications)
RESULTS: Between 2005 and 2008, community-reported fever incidence rates in children under the age of 5 years declined by 34%, from 4.9 to 3.2 average cases per child per year, whereas convulsions, a marker [...] consistency of the data shows that history of fever in the previous 2 weeks in children under the age of 5 years can be used as a morbidity monitoring tool
MER41 repeat sequences contain inducible STAT1 binding sites (Publications)
small subset of the over 5 million potential STAT1 binding sites in the human genome is covered by ChIP-seq data. Furthermore a surprisingly large fraction of the ChIP-seq signal (5%) is absorbed by a small
Epidemiology of brucellosis and Q fever in linked human and animal populations in northern Togo (Publications)
seropositivity amongst village cattle (9.2%, 95%CI:4.3-18.6%) and transhumant cattle (7.3%, 95%CI:3.5-14.7%), with an absence of seropositive small ruminants. Exposure of livestock and people to C. burnetii [...] greater livestock contact and a significantly higher seroprevalence than other ethnic groups (Fulani: 45.5%, 95%CI:37.7-53.6%; non-Fulani: 27.1%, 95%CI:20.6-34.7%). Appropriate diagnostic test cut-off values
Iodine nutritional status and risk factors for goitre among schoolchildren in South Tajikistan (Publications)
(CI) = 42.4%-50.6%) of children were found to be goitrous (grade 1 goitre: 30.6%, 95% CI = 26.9%-34.5%; grade 2 goitre: 16.0%, 95% CI = 13.1%-19.2%). The risk factor for goitre remaining significant in [...] month' (OR = 2.89, 95% CI = 1.01-8.22) and 'buying salt once every six months' (OR = 2.26, 95% CI = 1.01-5.04) compared to 'buying salt every one or two weeks'. The overall median thyroglobulin concentration
Health system support for childbirth care in Southern Tanzania: results from a health facility census (Publications)
attended a median of eight and four deliveries every month respectively. Dispensaries had a median of 2.5 (IQR 2--3) health workers including auxiliary staff instead of the recommended four clinical officer [...] including early breastfeeding, thermal care at birth and prevention of ophthalmia neonatorum was offered by 5% of dispensaries, 38% of health centres and 50% of hospitals consistently. No first-line facility had
Rule-based models of the interplay between genetic and environmental factors in childhood allergy (Publications)
genotype combinations gave odds ratios for current asthma of 2.1 (95% CI 1.2-3.6) and 3.2 (95% CI 2.0-5.0) in the BAMSE and PARSIFAL children, respectively. Several combinations of environmental factors appeared [...] use of baby formula and antibiotics early in life was associated with an odds ratio of 7.4 (95% CI 4.5-12.0) of developing asthma. Furthermore, genetic variants together with environmental factors seemed
Diarrhoeal diseases among adult population in an agricultural community Hanam province, Vietnam, with high wastewater and excreta re-use (Publications)
excreta for a duration less than 3 months (OR = 2.4, AF 51%), handling human excreta in field work (OR = 5.4, AF 7%), handling animal excreta in field work (OR = 3.3, AF 36%), lack of protective measures while [...] 78%), never or rarely washing hands with soap (OR = 3.3, AF 51%), use of rainwater for drinking (OR = 5.4, AF 77%) and eating raw vegetables the day before (OR = 2.4, AF 12%). CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows