<em>Plasmodium falciparum pfhrp2</em> and <em>pfhrp3</em> gene deletions among patients enrolled at 100 health facilities throughout Tanzania:... (Publications)
to a non-HRP2 RDT for P. falciparum clinical case diagnosis when pfhrp2 deletion prevalence causes ≥ 5% of RDTs to return false negative results. Tanzania is a country of heterogenous P. falciparum transmission [...] A second RDT testing specifically for the P. falciparum LDH (Pf-pLDH) antigen found 95 persons (2.5% of all RDT positives) were positive, though negative by the national RDT for HRP2, and were selected
Availability of published evidence on coverage, cost components, and funding support for digitalisation of infectious disease surveillance in Africa,... (Publications)
sites. Of these, 24 (75%) were pilot projects with a median duration of 16 months, (IQR: 5-40). Of the 27 projects, 5 (19%) were implemented for HIV/AIDs and tuberculosis, 4 (15%) for malaria, 4 (15%) for
Resistance of <em>Anopheles stephensi</em> to selected insecticides used for indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticidal nets in Ethiopia (Publications)
Ethiopia. Adult female An. stephensi, reared from larvae and pupae collected from the field, aged 3-5 days were exposed to impregnated papers of IRS insecticides (propoxur 0.1%, bendiocarb 0.1%, pirimi [...] (alpha-cypermethrin) and SafeNet(®) (alpha-cypermethrin). A batch of ten sugar-fed female mosquitoes aged 2-5 days was exposed to samples taken from five positions/sides of a net. The data from all replicates were
Extreme temperatures and stroke mortality: evidence from a multi-country analysis (Publications)
domestic product per capita. We computed excess deaths in each city that are attributable to the 2.5% hottest and coldest of days based on each city's temperature distribution. RESULTS: We collected data [...] extreme cold and hot days contributed 11.2 (95% empirical CI, 10.9-11.4) and 0.7 (95% empirical CI, 0.5-0.8) excess deaths, respectively. We found that countries with low gross domestic product per capita
Antibiotic use and consumption among medical patients of two hospitals in Sierra Leone: a descriptive report (Publications)
and treated at MGH (245, 52.0%). Clinical diagnosis of bacterial infection was made in only 180 (38.5%) patients. Regardless of the diagnosis, most (442, 94.9%) patients received at least one antibiotic [...] RESERVE antibiotics. The antibiotic consumption was lower in MH (61.3 DDDs per 100 bed-days) than MGH (76.5 DDDs per 100 bed-days). CONCLUSION: Antibiotic consumption was highest with ceftriaxone, followed by
Tafenoquine following G6PD screening versus primaquine for the treatment of vivax malaria in Brazil: a cost-effectiveness analysis using a... (Publications)
as compared to usual practice (7-day low-dose primaquine (0.5 mg/kg/day) without G6PD screening) in Brazil using a 10-year time horizon with 5% discounting considering 4 scenarios: (1) tafenoquine for adults
Risk factor-based screening compared to universal screening for gestational diabetes mellitus in marginalized Burman and Karen populations on the... (Publications)
included at least one positive finding among 10 criteria, e.g., obesity (body mass index (BMI) > /=27.5kg/m (2)), 1 (st) degree relative with diabetes etc. Adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes were compared [...] Burman women, overweight/obese BMI was associated with a significantly increased adjusted odds ratio 5.03 (95% CI: 1.43-17.64) for GDM compared to normal weight, whereas underweight and overweight/obese
Prevalence and clinical relevance of helminth co-infections among tuberculosis patients in urban Tanzania (Publications)
predominant helminth species (16.6%, 161), followed by hookworm (9.0%, 87) and Schistosoma mansoni (5.7%, 55). An infection with any helminth was not associated with TB (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.26, [...] Moreover, S. mansoni infection was associated with lower sputum bacterial load (aOR 2.63, 95% CI: 1.38-5.26, p = 0.004) and tended to have fewer lung cavitations (aOR 0.41, 95% CI: 0.12-1.16, p = 0.088).
Incidence and risk factors for hypertension among HIV patients in rural Tanzania - a prospective cohort study (Publications)
120.0 cases/1000 person-years, 95% confidence interval (CI) 97.2-150.0]. ART was started in 630 (75.5%) patients, with a median follow-up on ART of 7 months (IQR 4-14). Cox regression models identified [...] hazard ratio (aHR) 1.34 per 10 years increase, 95% CI 1.07-1.68, p = 0.010], body mass index (aHR per 5 kg/m2 1.45, 95% CI 1.07-1.99, p = 0.018) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (aHR < 60 versus >
Interventions that effectively target <em>Anopheles funestus</em> mosquitoes could significantly improve control of persistent malaria transmission in... (Publications)
chicken (1.5%), but An. funestus fed exclusively on humans. The An. funestus populations were 100% susceptible to organophosphates, pirimiphos methyl and malathion, but resistant to permethrin (10.5% mortality)