Malaria: a major health problem within an oil palm plantation around Popondetta, Papua New Guinea (Publications)
the years 2005 and 2006. RESULTS: Malaria prevalence was found to be high: all-age prevalence was 33.5% (95% CI 30.1-37.0) in 723 individuals. Plasmodium falciparum was the dominant species, followed by [...] Haemoglobin levels were found to be low; 11.0 g/dl (95% CI 10.8-11.1) for men and 10.4 g/dl (95% CI 10.3-10.5) for women, respectively. Plasmodium falciparum infections were significantly associated with anaemia
Design, implementation and evaluation of a national campaign to deliver 18 million free long-lasting insecticidal nets to uncovered sleeping spaces in... (Publications)
President's Malaria Initiative. A total of 18.2 million LLINs were delivered at an average cost of USD 5.30 per LLIN. Overall, 83% of the expenses were used for LLIN procurement and delivery and 17% for campaign [...] Malaria Indicator Survey (2011-12) show that household ownership of at least one ITN increased to 91.5%. ITN use, among children under-five years of age, improved to 72.7% after the campaign. ITN ownership
Couple experiences of provider-initiated couple HIV testing in an antenatal clinic in Lusaka, Zambia: lessons for policy and practice (Publications)
HIV testing; women (n = 5) and men (n = 2) who had undergone couple HIV testing but were later abandoned by their spouses; and key informant interviews with lay counsellors (n = 5) and nurses (n = 2). On-site
Artemisinin-based combination therapy does not measurably reduce human infectiousness to vectors in a setting of intense malaria transmission (Publications)
increased oocyst prevalence (OR [95%CI] = 3.9 [2.9-5.3], p < 0.001), but had no consistent effect on sporozoite prevalence (OR [95%CI] = 0.9 [0.7-1.2], p = 0.5). The estimated infectiousness of the human population
Domestic dog demographic structure and dynamics relevant to rabies control planning in urban areas in Africa: the case of Iringa, Tanzania (Publications)
years. The average number of litters whelped per fertile female per year was 0.6 with an average of 5.5 pups born per litter. The population growth was estimated at 10% y-1.CONCLUSIONS: Such high birth and
The impact of different sprayable surfaces on the effectiveness of indoor residual spraying using a micro encapsulated formulation of... (Publications)
threshold (80% mortality) was used as cut-off point for acceptable residual efficacy. RESULTS: A total of 5,800 mosquitoes were subjected to contact cone bioassay to test residual efficacy of lambda-cyhalothrin [...] surfaces (r = 0.24; p < 0.001). Residual efficacy decreased with increasing pH of the substrate (r = -0.5; p < 0.001). Based on WHOPES standards, shorter residual efficacy (42-56 days) was found in wall substrates
Use of insecticide quantification kits to investigate the quality of spraying and decay rate of bendiocarb on different wall surfaces in Kagera... (Publications)
concentration was done using IQKTM [Innovative Vector Control Consortium]. RESULTS: Of the 509 samples, 89.5% met the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended concentration (between 100-400 mg/m2) for IRS target [...] decay showed that the proportion of houses with recommended concentration declined from 96.9%, 93.5% and 76.2% at months one, two, and three post IRS, respectively (p-trend = 0.03). The rate of decay
AMBITION-cm: intermittent high dose AmBisome on a high dose fluconazole backbone for cryptococcal meningitis induction therapy in sub-Saharan Africa:... (Publications)
day one (single dose); 2) AmBisome 10 mg/kg day one and AmBisome 5 mg/kg day three (two doses); 3) AmBisome 10 mg/kg day one, and AmBisome 5 mg/kg days three and seven (three doses); and 4) AmBisome 3 mg/kg/d
Bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis prevalence in cattle from selected milk cooperatives in Arsi zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia (Publications)
animal prevalence was 0.3% (95% CI 0.1% to 1.3%) for BTB, 1.7% (95% CI 0.8% to 3.5%) for brucellosis and 8.9% (95% CI 6.8% to 11.5%) for MAC (Mycobacterium avium complex). Of the 13 milk cooperatives, two had
Chemometric analysis of biofluids from mice experimentally infected with <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> (Publications)
sequence of metabolic events in urine, plasma and faecal water. METHODS: Ten female NMRI mice, aged 5 weeks, were infected with 80 S. mansoni cercariae each. Ten age- and sex-matched mice remained uninfected [...] composition and therefore only five metabolites were found discriminatory of infected mice, of which 5-aminovalerate was the most stable and showed a positive correlation with urinary PAG. CONCLUSIONS: The