Key factors predicting suspected severe malaria case management and health outcomes: an operational study in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Publications)
carried out, using multilevel-mixed effects logistic regression models. Severely ill febrile children < 5 years seeking care from community-based healthcare providers were recruited into a patient surveillance [...] during 28 days home visits. RESULTS: Overall, 66.4% of patients had iCCM general danger signs. Age of 2-5 years and iCCM general danger signs predicted RAS use (aOR = 2.77, 95% CI 2.04-3.77). RAS administration
Preparing Liberia for rabies control: human-dog relationship and practices, and vaccination scenarios (Publications)
the urban households owned at least one dog. The canine: human ratios were 1:6.1 in the rural and1:5.6 in the urban area and did not differ notably among both counties. The estimated canine population [...] consumed dog meat at least once. Fifty percent of the respondents claimed knowledge of rabies but only 5.7% and 1.9% mentioned rabies transmission through rabies-infected saliva and rabies-infected mucus on
Vorkommen des Hautwurms <em>Dirofilaria repens</em> bei Hunden in der Schweiz (Publications)
2018 five of 546 analyzed samples (5/546, 0,9 %, 95 % confidence interval [95 % CI]=0,7 - 1,2 %) tested positive for D. repens, in 2019 four of 591 (0,7 %, 95 % CI=0,5 - 0,9 %), in 2020 15 of 783 (1,9 %
Oviposition ecology and species composition of <em>Aedes </em>spp. and <em>Aedes aegypti</em> dynamics in variously urbanized settings in arbovirus... (Publications)
the only species in the urban setting (100 %), and was also the predominant species in suburban (85.5 %) and rural (63.3 %) areas. The highest Ae. aegypti mean number was observed in the urban (1.97 Ae [...] africanus (9.4 %), Ae. dendrophilus (8.0 %), Ae. metallicus (1.3 %) in the rural, and Ae. vittatus (6.5 %) and Ae. metallicus (1.2 %) in the suburban areas each represented more than 1 % of the total Aedes
Predictive value of clinical and laboratory features for the main febrile diseases in children living in Tanzania: a prospective observational study (Publications)
(aLR+> 1) or rule out (aLR+ /=40 degrees C (aLR+8.4, 95%CI 4.7-15), for typhoid abdominal tenderness (5.9,2.5-11), for urinary tract infection (UTI) age > /=3 years (0.20,0-0.50), for radiological pneumonia
Epidemiological links between malaria parasitaemia and hypertension: findings from a population-based survey in rural Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Malaria parasitaemia was negatively associated with hypertension in participants with body temperature 36.5 degrees C or less [OR 0.23 (95% CI 0.06-0.84)]. Contrastingly, microscopic malaria parasitaemia showed [...] showed positive associations with hypertension in participants with elevated body temperature [> 36.5 degrees C; OR: 2.93 (95% CI 0.94-9.14)]. Participants having microscopic malaria parasitaemia with elevated
A malaria risk map of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (Publications)
in 2011, with seven HZs sampled in both surveys. Mean prevalence for malaria and anaemia was 6.4 % (5.6-7.4) and 65.1 % (63.7-66.6) in 2009, and 17.0 % (15.7-18.3) and 64.2 % (62.6-65.9) in 2011. In two [...] % and 0.8 % in Ngiri Ngiri (urban). History of fever during the preceding two weeks was 13.2 % (12.5-14.3) and 22.3 % (20.8-23.4) in 2009 and 2011. Household ownership of at least one insecticide-treated
The incidence and differential seasonal patterns of <em>Plasmodium vivax </em>primary infections and relapses in a cohort of children in Papua New... (Publications)
take imperfect detection into account. We estimate the force of P vivax primary infections to be 11.5 (10.5, 12.3) for a three-year old child per year and the mean number of relapses per infection to be 4
The effect of mass mosquito trapping on malaria transmission and disease burden (SolarMal): a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial (Publications)
and 33 episodes in non-intervened clusters (adjusted effectiveness 40.8% [95% CI -172.8 to 87.1], p=0.5) during the roll-out. Malaria prevalence measured by rapid diagnostic test was 29.8% (95% CI 20.9-38 [...] SMoTS clusters (prevalence 23.7%; 1552 of 6550 people) than in non-intervened clusters (prevalence 34.5%; 2002 of 5795 people). The unexpectedly low clinical incidence of malaria during roll-out led to an
Comparison of sensitivity and faecal egg counts of mini-FLOTAC using fixed stool samples and Kato-Katz technique for the diagnosis of <em>Schistosoma... (Publications)
readings revealed prevalences of Schistosoma mansoni, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm of 99.3%, 72.5% and 7.4%, respectively. Employing a Bayesian latent class analysis to estimate the true sensitivity [...] was 50.1% (95% Bayesian credible interval (BCI): 30.9-70.2%) for hookworm and 68.0% (95% BCI: 34.9-93.5%) for T. trichiura. When applying Mini-FLOTAC using FS7, the sensitivity was 89.9% (95% BCI: 86.9-97