Preparing Liberia for rabies control: human-dog relationship and practices, and vaccination scenarios (Publications)
the urban households owned at least one dog. The canine: human ratios were 1:6.1 in the rural and1:5.6 in the urban area and did not differ notably among both counties. The estimated canine population [...] consumed dog meat at least once. Fifty percent of the respondents claimed knowledge of rabies but only 5.7% and 1.9% mentioned rabies transmission through rabies-infected saliva and rabies-infected mucus on
State of deworming coverage and equity in low-income and middle-income countries using household health surveys: a spatiotemporal cross-sectional... (Publications)
preschool children was estimated at 33.0% (95% CI 32.9-33.1). The subnational coverage ranged from 0.5% to 87.5%, and within-country variation was greater than between-country variation. Of the 31 countries
Differential impact of malaria control interventions on <em>P. falciparum</em> and <em>P. vivax</em> infections in young Papua New Guinean children (Publications)
during (2008) and after scale-up of control interventions (2013). In each cohort, children aged 1-5 years were actively monitored for infection and illness. Incidence of malaria episodes, molecular force [...] vivax clinical episodes declined at rates comparable to P. falciparum between 2006, 2008 and 2013 (IR 2.5 to 1.1 to 0.2), while P. vivax molFOB (2006, 9.8; 2008, 12.1) and prevalence (2006, 59.6%; 2008, 65
Swiss TPH Strategy 2025-2028 (Projects)
for the funding period developed according to the methods of business excellence. Parallel to the 1.5-year consultation phase by the Swiss Science Council and other government agencies, the concept for [...] Business Excellence entwickelten, umsichtigen Strategie für die Förderperiode überzeugen. Parallel zur 1,5-jährigen Konsultations-Phase durch den Schweizerischen Wissenschaftsrat und andere staatliche Stellen
Outbreak of <em>Cryptosporidium hominis</em> following river flooding in the city of Halle (Saale), Germany, August 2013 (Publications)
95%-CI: 0.9-7.6). In multivariable analysis visits to the floodplain remained the sole risk factor (OR: 5.5; 95%-CI: 1.4-22). Only C.hominis of a single genotype (IbA9G2) was detected in stools. Oocysts were
Incidence of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria infection in 6-month to 45-year-olds on selected areas of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea (Publications)
lds, 0.26 in 5-17-year-olds, 0.20 in 18-45-year-olds). Incidence of first malaria with symptoms was 0.13 [95% CI (0.09, 0.19)] per person per 24 weeks (0.16 in 6-59-month-olds, 0.10 in 5-17-year-olds,
Prevalence of sero-markers and non-invasive assessment of liver cirrhosis in patients with hepatitis B virus infection in Freetown, Sierra Leone: a... (Publications)
chronic infection (or inactive HBsAg carrier phase), 24.5% were in the HBeAg-negative immune active phase, 3.1% had HBeAg positive hepatitis, and 2.5% were HBsAg negative. The median Aspartate aminotransferase
Transfluthrin eave-positioned targeted insecticide (EPTI) reduces human landing rate (HLR) of pyrethroid resistant and susceptible malaria vectors in... (Publications)
insecticide (EPTI) depends on the resistance status of malaria vectors. METHODS: Ribbons treated with 5.25 g transfluthrin or untreated controls were used around the eaves of an experimental hut as EPTI inside [...] transfluthrin and mosquito strain on mosquito landing rates and 24-h mortality. RESULTS: EPTI treated with 5.25 g of either TG or EC transfluthrin significantly reduced HLR of all susceptible and resistant Anopheles
Vientiane multigenerational birth cohort project in Lao People's Democratic Republic: protocol for establishing a longitudinal multigenerational birth... (Publications)
remain. Vientiane, the capital of Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), has approximately 1.5 of the 7.5 million Laotian population (2022) and provides a unique opportunity to examine health outcomes
One-year impact of behavioural interventions on schistosomiasis-related knowledge, attitude and practices of primary schoolchildren in Pemba, Tanzania (Publications)
and 2022, respectively. The schistosomiasis-related KAP were assessed in children attending grades 3-5, using pre-tested questionnaires. Between the surveys, in 2021, children from hotspot schools were exposed [...] respectively. In 2022, the difference in mean knowledge scores was 0.8 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.5-1.1] and the difference in mean attitude scores was 0.6 (95% CI: 0.4-0.7) between children in hotspot