A randomized, double-blind placebo-control study assessing the protective efficacy of an odour-based 'push-pull' malaria vector control strategy in... (Publications)
positioned at open eave gaps of houses; a 'pull' intervention placing an odour-baited mosquito trap at a 5 m distance from a house; the combined 'push-pull' package; and the control where houses contained all
Time patterns in internal human exposure data to bisphenols, phthalates, DINCH, organophosphate flame retardants, cadmium and polyaromatic... (Publications)
percentiles (P50/P90) for phthalates/DINCH and organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs) in children (5-12 years), and cadmium, bisphenols and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in women (24-52 years)
Gut microbiomes of agropastoral children from the Adadle region of Ethiopia reflect their unique dietary habits (Publications)
s of non-westernized communities. We assess the stool microbiota composition in 59 children aged 2-5 years from the Adadle district of Ethiopia, Somali Regional State. Here, milk and starch-rich food are
Sequence analysis of the MSP 1 gene of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> isolates from Hainan, China (Publications)
patients from Baoting County, Hainan Province. PCR amplification of the target gene was carried out using 5 pairs of oligonucleotides specific for the MSP 1 gene. Direct sequencing of the target gene fragments
Factors associated with migration in individuals affected by leprosy, Maranhão, Brazil: an exploratory cross-sectional study (Publications)
diagnosed with leprosy and 391 from the clinically unapparent population. Of those with leprosy, 258 (65.5%) were birth migrants, 105 (26.6%) were past five-year migrants, and 43 (10.9%) were circular migrants
Comparison of <em>Leishmania</em> typing results obtained from 16 European clinical laboratories in 2014 (Publications)
species were reported. The overall error rate of strains placed in the wrong complex or species was 8.5%. Various reasons for incorrect typing were identified. The study shows there is considerable room for
Malaria parasites possess a telomere repeat-binding protein that shares ancestry with transcription factor IIIA (Publications)
cycle progression. Intriguingly, we found that PfTRZ also binds to and regulates the expression of 5S rDNA genes. Combined with detailed phylogenetic analyses, our findings identified PfTRZ as a remote
IgE levels, atopy markers and hay fever in relation to age, sex and smoking status in a normal adult Swiss population (Publications)
Smokers had both a statistically significant (p 100 kU/l) than nonsmokers (27.2 kU/l; respectively 20.5%). The IgE level was significantly lower in women than men (p 100 kU/l: atopy probable). In multivariate
Antitrypanosomal activity of sesquiterpene lactones from <em>Helianthus tuberosus</em> L. including a new furanoheliangolide with an unusual structure (Publications)
oxygen atom of the furanoid ring is part of a hemiketal structure at C-3 and a double bond between C-5 and C-6. For this new STL we propose the name heliantuberolide-8-O-tiglate. Its activity against Trypanosoma
Next-generation sequencing for hypothesis-free genomic detection of invasive tropical infections in poly-microbially contaminated, formalin-fixed,... (Publications)
materials was required. Potentially etiologically relevant pathogens could be identified by NGS in 5 out of 17 samples of patients with invasive mycoses and in 1 out of 6 samples of patients with amebiasis