Quantification of annual settlement growth in rural mining areas using machine learning (Publications)
and temporal consistency correction. Overall accuracy in the four studied scenes ranged between 58.5% and 95.1%. Arid conditions and limited availability of Google Earth imagery negatively affected cl
Marginal bone loss 1 year after implantation: a systematic review for fixed and removable restorations (Publications)
selected. Related to fixed restorations, the lowest MBL was 0.05+/-0.67 mm and the highest 1.37+/-0.5 mm. The MBL for removable restorations ranged from 0.13+/-0.35 mm to 1.03+/-0.65 mm. Three studies analyzed
Determinants of change in airway reactivity over 11 years in a population study (SAPALDIA) (Publications)
its maximal value per mumol methacholine. Bronchial hyper-reactivity prevalence fell from 14.3% to 12.5% during follow-up. Baseline age was non-linearly associated to change in reactivity slope: participants
IgE levels, atopy markers and hay fever in relation to age, sex and smoking status in a normal adult Swiss population (Publications)
Smokers had both a statistically significant (p 100 kU/l) than nonsmokers (27.2 kU/l; respectively 20.5%). The IgE level was significantly lower in women than men (p 100 kU/l: atopy probable). In multivariate
"We treat humans, not herds!": a qualitative study of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) providers' individualized approaches to vaccination... (Publications)
providers we interviewed (N=17) and observed during vaccination consultations (N=18 observations with 5 providers) employed individualized approaches to vaccination. Triangulation of qualitative evidence
Short course amphotericin B in addition to sertraline and fluconazole for treatment of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in rural Tanzania (Publications)
sertraline 400 mg/day and fluconazole 1200 mg/day (n=28) vs. sertraline, fluconazole and additional 5-days of amphotericin B deoxycholate 0.7-1 mg/kg (n=18) for cryptococcal meningitis. RESULTS: 2-week
Evaluation of fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) for the detection of fungi directly from blood cultures and cerebrospinal fluid from patients... (Publications)
times to diagnosis after the detection of microbial growth by automated blood culture systems were 5 hours, 20 hours and 6 days for FISH, PCR-RFLP and traditional microbiology, respectively. The results
Drinking water from dug wells in rural ghana - <em>Salmonella</em> contamination, environmental factors, and genotypes (Publications)
contamination with Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria was 99.2% (n = 395). Out of 398 samples, 26 (6.5%) tested positive for Salmonella spp. The serovar distribution was diverse including strains not commonly
Antitrypanosomal activity of sesquiterpene lactones from <em>Helianthus tuberosus</em> L. including a new furanoheliangolide with an unusual structure (Publications)
oxygen atom of the furanoid ring is part of a hemiketal structure at C-3 and a double bond between C-5 and C-6. For this new STL we propose the name heliantuberolide-8-O-tiglate. Its activity against Trypanosoma
Care-seeking dynamics among patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension in selected rural settings in Kenya (Publications)
hypertension through face-to-face interviews. Of the 1100 participants, 69.9% had hypertension, 15.5% diabetes while 14.7% had both. The mean age of the respondents was 64 years. The majority of the r