The Youth Attitudes about Vaccines (YAV-5) scale: adapting the parent attitudes about childhood vaccines short scale for use with youth in German,... (Publications)
YAV-14 and the YAV-5, but we only report results of the YAV-5 analysis here. We determined construct validity by logistic regression of the association between youth VH as measured by the YAV-5 and non-receipt [...] (PACV-15) for use in youth to create the version Youth Attitudes about Vaccines survey (YAV-14 and YAV-5), then translated it into three languages (German, French, and Italian). We administered the YAV-14 [...] non-immunization in the German-language sample. Our results demonstrate...
Differential mortality risks associated with PM2.5 components: a multi-country, multi-city study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The association between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and mortality widely differs between as well as within countries. Differences in PM2.5 composition can play a role in modifying the effect estimates [...] daily total PM2.5 through time series regression analysis. We then pooled these estimates in a meta-regression model that included city-specific logratio-transformed proportions of seven PM2.5 components as [...] heterogeneity in PM2.5 risk. CONCLUSIONS: These findings...
Immunodeficiency and cancer in 3.5 million people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): the South African HIV cancer match study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: We analyzed associations between immunodeficiency and cancer incidence in a nationwide cohort of people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV; PLWH) in South Africa. METHODS: We us
Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunkstrahlung? Was ändert sich mit 5G? (Publications)
guideline values. With increasing mobile data usage and the associated use of higher frequencies for 5G, a densification of the mobile network is to be expected. However, this will not necessarily increase [...] the overall RF-EMF exposure of the population, as mobile phones emit less with better signal quality. 5G is a technological advancement of the previous mobile radio technology with the same biophysical properties
<em>In vitro, in vivo</em>, and ADME evaluation of SF5-containing <em>N,N'</em>-diarylureas as antischistosomal agents (Publications)
at 10 μM), endowed with decent cytotoxicity profile (SI against L6 cells > 8.5) and good microsomal hepatic stability (> 62.5% of drug remaining after 60 min), were tested in S. mansoni infected mice. Despite [...] found. Thus, further investigations are needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms of SF(5)-containing N,N'-diarylureas.
Common haplotypes at the <em>CFH </em>locus and low-frequency variants in <em>CFHR2 </em>and <em>CFHR5 </em>associate with systemic FHR concentrations... (Publications)
in CFHR2 and CFHR5 led to reduced or absent FHR-2 and FHR-5 concentrations (e.g., p.Cys72Tyr in CFHR2 and FHR-2, p = 2.46 x 10(-16)). Finally, we showed localization of FHR-2 and FHR-5 in the choriocapillaris [...] and rare protein-altering CFHR2 and CFHR5 variants associated with AMD independently of all previously reported genome-wide association study (GWAS) signals (p = 5.03 x 10(-3) and p = 2.81 x 10(-6), res [...] elevated systemic levels of FHR-1 (p = 1.84 x 10(-6)), FHR-2 (p = 1.47 x...
Long-term exposures to PM2.5, black carbon and NO2 and prevalence of current rhinitis in French adults: the constances cohort (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Rhinitis is one of the most common disease worldwide with a high and increasing prevalence. There is limited knowledge on the link between long-term exposure to air pollution and rhinitis.
5G Exposure, Causal Effects, and Risk Perception through Citizen Engagement (Projects)
resulting from 5G deployment; iii) assess neuropsychological effects among young people, and iv) quantify potential health impacts of exposures at the population level; v) assess effects of 5G on brain function [...] remarkable among young people and workers, the most sensitive and exposed groups, respectively. In GOLIAT (5 G exp O sure, causa L effects, and r I sk perception through citizen eng A gemen T ) project ( http [...] vi) identify effective means of exposure reduction; vii) understand...
Community-Based chronic disease Care Lesotho: A 5-year implementation research programme to tackle non-communicable diseases in rural Lesotho (Projects)
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and high blood pressure are the number one cause of death and disability globally. More than 75% of premature NCD-related deaths occur in low- and mid
<em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </em>complex lineage 5 exhibits high levels of within-lineage genomic diversity and differing gene content compared to... (Publications)
absent between H37Rv and L5 strains. Additionally, considerable gene content variability was found across L5 strains, including a split in the L5.3 sub-lineage into L5.3.1 and L5.3.2. These gene content [...] lineages (L), especially L5 and L6 (traditionally termed Mycobacterium africanum) strains, from each other. However, this genome variability and gene content, especially of L5 strains, has not been fully [...] genomic analysis of MTBC strains, including transmission studies. By comparing...