Anti-inflammatory and quinone reductase-inducing compounds from <em>Beilschmiedia mannii</em> (Publications)
1: and 2: were the most active. The concentrations to double the quinone reductase activity were 7.5 microM for compound 1: and 6.1 microM for compound 2: . Compounds 1: and 2: inhibited nuclear factor-kappa
Diagnostic performance of conventional and ultrasensitive rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in febrile outpatients in Tanzania (Publications)
us-qPCR (Npos=357) only marginally (us-RDT, 75%; co-RDT, 73%). Specificity of both RDTs was > 99%. 5 of 11 additional positive us-RDT were negative in us-qPCR. HRP2 concentration was above the detectable
Development and evaluation of a multiplex quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction for hookworm species in human stool (Publications)
multiplex hookworm qPCR of 84/192 (43.8%) was significantly higher than that using microscopy of 49/192 (25.5%). The hookworm multiplex qPCR showed very good agreement for the detection of both N. americanus (Kappa
Detection and monitoring of insecticide resistance mutations in <em>Anopheles gambiae</em>: individual vs pooled specimens (Publications)
populations of variable allelic frequencies, and found to be precise (1.66(-)2.99%), accurate (3.3(-)5.9%), and able to detect a single heterozygous mosquito mixed with 9 wild type individuals in a pool
Spirometer replacement and serial lung function measurements in population studies: results from the SAPALDIA study (Publications)
The decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 second during the reference period of 1991-2002 was 31.5 (standard deviation (SD), 28.7) mL/year while, after spirometer replacement, uncorrected, corrected
Suspected cases of cholangiocarcinoma seen in reference hospitals in Lao People's Democratic Republic (Publications)
admitted to hospitals in the central (58.0%) and southern (29.6%) parts of Lao PDR. Abdominal pain (48.5%) and jaundice (14.2%) were the main symptoms leading to hospitalisation. Some 267 (97.4%) patients
Modelling reactive case detection strategies for interrupting transmission of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria (Publications)
RCD is highly resource intensive, requiring testing and treating of 400-500 people every week for 5-10 years for a reasonable chance of elimination in a Zambia-like setting.
Ectoparasites of endemic and domestic animals in southwest Madagascar (Publications)
were also trapped in 4) villages. We identified 17 species of ectoparasites (296 individuals of ticks [5 species], 535 lice [7 spp.], 389 fleas [4 spp.] and 13 mites [1 sp.]) collected from 15 host species
Sex differentials in the uptake of antiretroviral treatment in Zambia (Publications)
significantly larger proportion of men (32.7%) than women (25.6%) did not uptake ART (Pearson ?2 = 5.9135; p = 0.015). In the crude analysis, poor health status and low self-efficacy were common factors
Vaccines safety; effect of supervision or SMS on reporting rates of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) with meningits vaccine... (Publications)
visits or (iii) no intervention. The primary outcome was the reported AEFI incidence rate from week 5 to 8 after the immunization campaign. Poisson regression model was used to estimate the effect of i