Differential mortality risks associated with PM2.5 components: a multi-country, multi-city study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The association between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and mortality widely differs between as well as within countries. Differences in PM2.5 composition can play a role in modifying the effect estimates [...] daily total PM2.5 through time series regression analysis. We then pooled these estimates in a meta-regression model that included city-specific logratio-transformed proportions of seven PM2.5 components as [...] heterogeneity in PM2.5 risk. CONCLUSIONS: These findings...
CD38 expression by antigen-specific CD4 t cells is significantly restored 5 months after treatment initiation independently of sputum bacterial load... (Publications)
patient. We recruited 105 Tanzanian adult tuberculosis (TB) patients and obtained blood before and after 5 months of antibiotic treatment. We studied relationships between patients' clinical characteristics [...] CD27, the resolution of CD38 expression by antigen-specific T cells was observed readily following 5 months of antibiotic therapy. However, the intensity of CD38-TAM signals measured at diagnosis did not
The Youth Attitudes about Vaccines (YAV-5) scale: adapting the parent attitudes about childhood vaccines short scale for use with youth in German,... (Publications)
YAV-14 and the YAV-5, but we only report results of the YAV-5 analysis here. We determined construct validity by logistic regression of the association between youth VH as measured by the YAV-5 and non-receipt [...] (PACV-15) for use in youth to create the version Youth Attitudes about Vaccines survey (YAV-14 and YAV-5), then translated it into three languages (German, French, and Italian). We administered the YAV-14 [...] non-immunization in the German-language sample. Our results demonstrate...
<em>In vitro, in vivo</em>, and ADME evaluation of SF5-containing <em>N,N'</em>-diarylureas as antischistosomal agents (Publications)
at 10 μM), endowed with decent cytotoxicity profile (SI against L6 cells > 8.5) and good microsomal hepatic stability (> 62.5% of drug remaining after 60 min), were tested in S. mansoni infected mice. Despite [...] found. Thus, further investigations are needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms of SF(5)-containing N,N'-diarylureas.
Common haplotypes at the <em>CFH </em>locus and low-frequency variants in <em>CFHR2 </em>and <em>CFHR5 </em>associate with systemic FHR concentrations... (Publications)
in CFHR2 and CFHR5 led to reduced or absent FHR-2 and FHR-5 concentrations (e.g., p.Cys72Tyr in CFHR2 and FHR-2, p = 2.46 x 10(-16)). Finally, we showed localization of FHR-2 and FHR-5 in the choriocapillaris [...] and rare protein-altering CFHR2 and CFHR5 variants associated with AMD independently of all previously reported genome-wide association study (GWAS) signals (p = 5.03 x 10(-3) and p = 2.81 x 10(-6), res [...] elevated systemic levels of FHR-1 (p = 1.84 x 10(-6)), FHR-2 (p = 1.47 x...
Evaluation of the ERA5 reanalysis-based universal thermal climate index on mortality data in Europe (Publications)
ERA5 – the latest global climate reanalysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) – as a health-related tool. Employing a novel ERA5-based thermal comfort dataset ERA5-HEAT [...] performance of ERA5-based UTCI, we compared its effects on mortality with those for the station-based UTCI data. In order to assess the additional effect of the UTCI, the performance of ERA5-and station-based [...] UTCI distribution. The comparison of exposure-response relationships between...
<em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </em>complex lineage 5 exhibits high levels of within-lineage genomic diversity and differing gene content compared to... (Publications)
absent between H37Rv and L5 strains. Additionally, considerable gene content variability was found across L5 strains, including a split in the L5.3 sub-lineage into L5.3.1 and L5.3.2. These gene content [...] lineages (L), especially L5 and L6 (traditionally termed Mycobacterium africanum) strains, from each other. However, this genome variability and gene content, especially of L5 strains, has not been fully [...] genomic analysis of MTBC strains, including transmission studies. By comparing...
A triple win awaits (Page)
travel was undertaken at Swiss TPH. This means that in 2020 the world achieved what was needed for the 1.5 degree target; but unfortunately not with climate policy, but instead COVID-19 lockdowns. This is of [...] greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by around 8% in 2020. The world has achieved what is needed for the 1.5 degree target, not with climate policy, but COVID-19 lockdowns." Climate change is unfair Strikingly [...] many African countries were less than 300kg per person in 2018. In...
Winter Symposium 2019 (Page)
co-benefits Live-streaming will be available starting at 8:30 on Dec. 5 and 6 for those who are not able to attend in person. Programme Thursday, 5 December 2019 Session PL1 | Setting the Scene 09:15 Where We Stand [...] Tiger Mosquito in Switzerland, Pie Müller, Swiss TPH Session TS5 | Frameworks for Health System Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction 5a Frameworks 11:10 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, [...] Framework for Modelling Nutrition-Related Health Impacts under Climate...
FAQ (Page)
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