Anti-protozoal activity of aporphine and protoberberine alkaloids from <em>Annickia kummeriae</em> (Engl. & Diels) Setten & Maas (Annonaceae) (Publications)
(2), palmatine (3), jatrorrhizine (4) and two sets of mixtures of jatrorrhizine (4) with columbamine (5) and palmatine (3) with (-)-tetrahydropalmatine (6). The alkaloids showed low cytotoxicity activity
Risk of latent tuberculosis infection in children living in households with tuberculosis patients: a cross sectional survey in remote northern Lao... (Publications)
sputum prior to treatment (AFB > 2+; OR: 4.7, 95% CI: 1.7-12.3), and living in ethnic minorities (OR: 5.4, 95% CI: 2.2-13.6). CONCLUSION: The study supports the importance of contact tracing in remote settings
An individual-based model of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria transmission on the coast of Kenya (Publications)
transmission was stable even in low transmission areas where the human-biting rate is approximately 0.5 bite per day. The model was used to examine the effect of infection control programmes that aim at
The Washington aerial spray drift study: modeling pesticide spray drift deposition from an aerial application (Publications)
application guidelines. The calibrated model also provided 15-min time-resolved deposition images over the 5-h application period. These time-resolved maps revealed that actual community deposition occurred in
Dynamics of gene introgression in the African malaria vector <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> (Publications)
18 AFLP markers (64.3%) for Mbita and of 26 markers (92.9%) for Ifakara varied significantly from F5 to F20. This study provides basic information on how a mosquito release program would alter the genetic
What do district health managers in Ghana use their working time for? A case study of three districts (Publications)
workshops (12.3%), financial management (8.7%), training of staff (7.1%), drug and supply management (5.0%), and travelling (9.6%). The study found significant variations of time use across the managerial
Evaluation of the Community-Based Malaria Surveillance and Response in Rwanda (Projects)
Malaria cases and incidence have considerably reduced in Rwanda in the last 5 years. Further decreasing and ultimately reducing transmissions to zero in our communities including high-risk or vulnerable
Prognostic indicators of early and late death in children admitted to district hospital in Kenya: cohort study (Publications)
MEASURES: Prognostic indicators of mortality. RESULTS: Of 8091 children admitted up to 1 June 2000, 436 (5%) died. Sixty (14%) died within four hours after admission (immediate), 193 (44%) after 4-48 hours (early)
Financial costs of the Zanzibar elimination of schistosomiasis transmission project (Publications)
project from 2011/2012 to 2017. The total financial costs of implementing snail control activities over 5 years, excluding the costs for donated Bayluscide, were US$55,796 on Pemba and US$73,581 on Unguja,
Introduction to a landscape analysis of multisectoral approaches for prevention and control of infectious and vector-borne diseases (Publications)
project supported several activities, including commissioning a series of scientific reviews on MSAs in 5 thematic areas, sharing the key findings of these reviews in workshops and events, and developing a