Rapid discrimination of <em>Haemophilus influenzae</em>, <em>H. parainfluenzae</em>, and<em> H. haemolyticus</em> by fluorescence<em> in situ</em>... (Publications)
MALDI-TOF-MS with prior formic acid extraction led to 74 correct results (88%), 4 uninterpretable results (5%) and 6 misidentifications (7%). The Bruker MALDI-TOF-MS misidentifications could be resolved by the
The molecular clock of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> (Publications)
MTB. For data sets where such calibration was possible, we obtained a clock rate between 1x10-8 and 5x10-7 nucleotide changes per-site-per-year (0.04-2.2 SNPs per-genome-per-year), with substantial differences
Self-reported sleep disturbance from road, rail and aircraft noise: exposure-response relationships and effect modifiers in the SiRENE Study (Publications)
random sample of their dwelling. Self-reported sleep disturbance was measured using an ICBEN-style 5-point verbal scale. The survey was carried out in four waves at different times of the year. Source-specific
Burden of injuries in Vietnam: emerging trends from a decade of economic achievement (Publications)
RESULTS: Between 2007 and 2017, the age-standardised incidence rate of all injuries increased by 14.6% (11.5%-18.2%), while the age-standardised mortality rate decreased by 11.6% (3.0%-20.2%). Interpersonal violence
A stable, oligosymptomatic malaria focus in Thailand (Publications)
for malaria parasites monthly for 2 years. Nearly 97% of the population had at least one (median = 5) patent Plasmodium falciparum infection per year; 72% had one due to P. vivax (median = 1). This contrasted
Factors associated with stunted growth in children under five years in Antananarivo, Madagascar and Bangui, Central African Republic (Publications)
performed a case-control study on 175 + 194 stunted and 237 + 230 non-stunted control children aged 2-5 years and matched for age, gender and district of residency. Factors associated with stunting were
Should deep-sequenced amplicons become the new gold-standard for analysing malaria drug clinical trials? (Publications)
greatly improved molecular correction and provided accurate drug failure rate estimates. The use of 3 to 5 amplicons was sufficient, and simple, non-statistical, criteria could be used to classify recurrent
Co-administration of routine paediatric vaccines in England often deviates from the immunisation schedule (Publications)
co-administrations (OR 1.60) and strongly increased the odds for never recommended co-administrations (OR 5.34). Differences between genders, NHS regions, and IMD quintiles were statistically significant but
Exposure to <em>Leptospira </em>spp. and associated risk factors in the human, cattle and dog populations in Bhutan (Publications)
seropositivity was stronger in bovines (36.9%) and dogs (47.6%). "Having had a fever recently" (OR 5.2, p = 0.004), "working for the military" (OR 26.6, p = 0.028) and "being unemployed" (OR 12.9, p =
Modelling to quantify the likelihood that local elimination of transmission has occurred using routine <em>gambiense </em>human African... (Publications)
2021 it would substantially raise our certainty that EOT has been met there (99.0% for Model S and 88.5% for Model W), and this could be higher with 50% coverage screening that year (99.1% for Model S and