Projected impact of heat on mortality and labour productivity under climate change in Switzerland (Publications)
y amount to around CHF 665 million (approx. USD 700 million) per year. Should we remain on an RCP8.5 emissions pathway, these values may double (for mortality) or even triple (for labour productivity)
Benzimidazole and aminoalcohol derivatives show<em> in vitro </em>anthelmintic activity against <em>Trichuris muris</em> and<em> Heligmosomoides... (Publications)
(IC50 of 8.1 microM) and 53% of H. polygyrus while BZ6 killed 100% of H. polygyrus adults (IC50 of 5.3 microM) but only 17% of T. muris. CONCLUSIONS: BZ6 and BZ12 could be considered as a starting point
Fexinidazole for human African trypanosomiasis, the fruit of a successful public-private partnership (Publications)
and the second, meningoencephalitic stage of the infection, the latter at 100 mg/kg twice daily for 5 days. In patients, the clinical trials managed by DNDi and supported by Swiss TPH mainly conducted in
Long-term effect of asthma on the development of obesity among adults: an international cohort study, ECRHS (Publications)
on the development of obesity. RESULTS: We included 7576 participants in the period ECRHS I-II (51.5% female, mean (SD) age of 34 (7) years) and 4976 in ECRHS II-III (51.3% female, 42 (8) years). 9% of
Fluctuating temperature modifies heat-mortality association around the globe (Publications)
ally. Central Europe had the highest attributable fractions (AFs), corresponding to 7.68% (95% CI: 5.25-9.89) of total deaths for Q4 of TV, while the lowest AFs were observed in North America, with the
Child welfare involvement and adjustment among care alumni and their children: a systematic review of risk and protective factors (Publications)
qualitative summary. Results A total of 38 studies were included (19 quantitative, 14 qualitative, and 5 mixed-methods studies). Studies confirm increased rates of early parenthood among care alumni and an
Estimating baseline rates of adverse perinatal and neonatal outcomes using a facility-based surveillance approach: a prospective observational study... (Publications)
at 16 sites. Findings: Estimated rates varied across countries and sites, ranging between 43·3-329·5 and 21·4-276·6/1000 livebirths for low birthweight and preterm birth respectively and 11·8-81/1,000
Study protocol: a prospective cohort on non-communicable diseases among primary healthcare users living in Kosovo (KOSCO) (Publications)
collected annually in two phases, approximately 6 months apart, with an expected total follow-up time of 5 years. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approvals were obtained from the Ethics Committee Northwest
Analytical and clinical assessment of a portable, isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay for the molecular diagnosis of... (Publications)
7-96.9) and 100% (+/-69.1-100), respectively. Positive and negative predictive values were 100% (+/-97.5-100) and 50% (+/-27.2-72.8), respectively. The RT-ShDra1-RPA therefore shows promise as a rapid and
A cross-sectional survey on parasitic infections in schoolchildren in a rural Tanzanian community (Publications)
with Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar/Entamoeba moshkovskii, 12% with Schistosoma mansoni, and 5% with Plasmodium falciparum. The most common soil-transmitted helminth species was Trichuris trichiura