Rapid discrimination of <em>Haemophilus influenzae</em>, <em>H. parainfluenzae</em>, and<em> H. haemolyticus</em> by fluorescence<em> in situ</em>... (Publications)
MALDI-TOF-MS with prior formic acid extraction led to 74 correct results (88%), 4 uninterpretable results (5%) and 6 misidentifications (7%). The Bruker MALDI-TOF-MS misidentifications could be resolved by the
How to train your myeloid cells: a way forward for helminth vaccines? (Publications)
Soil-transmitted helminths affect approximately 1.5 billion people worldwide. However, as no vaccine is currently available for humans, the current strategy for elimination as a public health problem relies
Fexinidazole for human African trypanosomiasis, the fruit of a successful public-private partnership (Publications)
and the second, meningoencephalitic stage of the infection, the latter at 100 mg/kg twice daily for 5 days. In patients, the clinical trials managed by DNDi and supported by Swiss TPH mainly conducted in
Stunted children display ectopic small intestinal colonization by oral bacteria, which cause lipid malabsorption in experimental models (Publications)
performed a cross-sectional study in two African countries recruiting roughly 1,000 children aged 2 to 5 years and assessed the microbiota in the stomach, duodenum, and feces. Upper gastrointestinal samples
Facility and community results-based financing to improve maternal and child nutrition and health in The Gambia (Publications)
models were estimated. A qualitative study was embedded, with data thematically analyzed. We analyzed 5,927 household surveys: 1,939 baseline, 1,951 midline, and 2,037 endline. On average, community group
Care seeking and treatment of febrile children with and without danger signs of severe disease in northern Uganda: results from three household... (Publications)
diarrhea. We set out to determine the treatment-seeking practices and treatment patterns for children < 5 years of age with an acute febrile illness, with or without danger signs of severe disease, in a highly
Effects of a partially supervised conditioning program in cystic fibrosis: an international multicenter, randomized controlled trial (ACTIVATE-CF) (Publications)
control group compared with the intervention group (2.70% predicted [95% confidence interval, 0.13-5.26]; P = 0.04). The intervention group reported increased vigorous PA compared with the control group
A stable, oligosymptomatic malaria focus in Thailand (Publications)
for malaria parasites monthly for 2 years. Nearly 97% of the population had at least one (median = 5) patent Plasmodium falciparum infection per year; 72% had one due to P. vivax (median = 1). This contrasted
Co-administration of routine paediatric vaccines in England often deviates from the immunisation schedule (Publications)
co-administrations (OR 1.60) and strongly increased the odds for never recommended co-administrations (OR 5.34). Differences between genders, NHS regions, and IMD quintiles were statistically significant but
Study protocol: a prospective cohort on non-communicable diseases among primary healthcare users living in Kosovo (KOSCO) (Publications)
collected annually in two phases, approximately 6 months apart, with an expected total follow-up time of 5 years. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approvals were obtained from the Ethics Committee Northwest