Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling to identify pharmacokinetic parameters driving drug exposure changes in the elderly (Publications)
y simulated for all ten drugs. Pharmacokinetic parameters were predicted within 1.25-fold (70%), 1.5-fold (86%) and 2-fold (100%) of clinical data. AUC increased progressively by 0.9% per year throughout
Prevalence and adverse obstetric outcomes of female genital mutilation among women in rural northern Ghana (Publications)
those without. Similarly, they had a 4-fold increased risk of post-partum haemorrhage (4.69 [3.74, 5.88]) and more than 2-fold risk lacerations/episiotomy (2.57 [1.86, 3.21]) during delivery. Average duration
Hypertension control and retention in care among HIV-infected patients: the effects of co-located HIV and chronic noncommunicable disease care (Publications)
6.8 percentage points (P < 0.001) and retention in HIV care with no gaps > 6 months increased by 10.5 percentage points (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: A CDM program that co-locates NCD and HIV care shows potential
Variability and predictors of weekly pesticide exposure in applicators from organic, sustainable and conventional smallholder farms in Costa Rica (Publications)
=0.4). Applicators working on conventional and sustainable farms had exposure scores twofold and 1.5-fold higher than those working in organic farms, respectively. Farm workers who received training on
Safety of co-administration versus separate administration of the same vaccines in children: a systematic literature review (Publications)
studies reported significantly more adverse events following immunization (AEFI) while in 10% (n = 5) significantly fewer adverse events were found in the co-administration groups. Statistically significant
The impact of health worker absenteeism on patient health care seeking behavior, testing and treatment: a longitudinal analysis in Uganda (Publications)
42% of all days monitored in lowest level public health clinics, whereas this number was less than 5% in high level public hospitals and private facilities. In our preferred empirical model with household
Preventing leprosy with retrospective active case finding combined with single-dose rifampicin for contacts in a low endemic setting: results of the... (Publications)
total of 555 index patients were traced by the drive team, and 10,410 contacts in their household and 5 immediate neighbor houses listed. Among these contacts, 72.0% could be screened while most others were
Breastmilk, stool, and meconium: bacterial communities in South Africa (Publications)
Breastmilk, meconium, and stool samples were analyzed using 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing of the V4-V5 gene region using the MiSeq platform for identification and relative quantification of bacterial taxa
Evaluation of commercially available anthelminthics in laboratory models of human intestinal nematode infections (Publications)
moxidectin and abamectin being the most effective drugs against T. muris (ED50 values of 0.2 and 0.5 mg/kg, respectively). Laboratory models for soil-transmitted helminthiasis can assist characterizing
Multiple air pollutant exposure and lung cancer in Tehran, Iran (Publications)
10 unit increase in air pollutant), benzene (IRR = 3.86), toluene (IRR = 1.50), ethylbenzene (IRR = 5.16), p-xylene (IRR = 9.41), o-xylene (IRR = 7.93), m-xylene (IRR = 2.63) and TBTEX (IRR = 1.21) were