Childhood mortality and its association with household wealth in rural and semi-urban Burkina Faso (Publications)
to study the effect of the respective wealth measure on under-5 mortality. RESULTS: We observed 1201 childhood deaths, corresponding to 5-year survival probability of 93.6% and 88% in the semi-urban and [...] under-5 mortality after adjustment for confounding. There was a similar but non-significant effect of household wealth on infant mortality, too. There was no effect of household wealth on under-5 mortality [...] the semi-urban area with access to piped water and electricity have an...
Longer delays in diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in pastoralist setting, Eastern Ethiopia (Publications)
health system and total delays were 30 (19–48.5), 14 (4.5–29.5) and 50 (35–73.5) days, respec-tively. The median patient delay (35.5 days) and total delay (58.5 days) among pastoralists were substantially [...] and Methods: A cross-sectional study among 444 confirmed new pulmonary TB patients aged ≥15 years in 5 TB care units was conducted between December 2017 and October 2018. Data were collected using a structured
Childhood mortality and its association with household wealth in rural and semi-urban Burkina Faso (Publications)
to study the effect of the respective wealth measure on under-5 mortality. RESULTS: We observed 1201 childhood deaths, corresponding to 5-year survival probability of 93.6% and 88% in the semi-urban and [...] under-5 mortality after adjustment for confounding. There was a similar but non-significant effect of household wealth on infant mortality, too. There was no effect of household wealth on under-5 mortality [...] the semi-urban area with access to piped water and electricity have an...
Long-term exposure to low ambient air pollution concentrations and mortality among 28 million people: results from seven large European cohorts within... (Publications)
and PM2·5, NO2, and black carbon, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1·053 (95% CI 1·021–1·085) per 5 μg/m3 increment in PM2·5, 1·044 (1·019–1·069) per 10 μg/m3 NO2, and 1·039 (1·018–1·059) per 0·5 × 10−5/m black [...] (1·032–1·092) for exposure lower than 1·5× 10−5/m, and 1·081 (0·966–1·210) for exposure lower than 1·0× 10−5/m. Interpretation Long-term exposure to concentrations of PM2·5 and NO2 lower than current annual [...] s lower than the WHO 2005 air quality guideline values for PM2·5 (10 μg/m3)...
Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and lung cancer incidence in the ELAPSE pooled cohort (Publications)
16) per 50 ng/m(3) PM2.5 K, 1.09 (95% CI 1.02, 1.15) per 1 ng/m(3) PM2.5 Ni, 1.22 (95% CI 1.11, 1.35) per 200 ng/m(3) PM2.5 S, and 1.07 (95% CI 1.02, 1.12) per 200 ng/m(3) PM2.5 V. Effect estimates were [...] association between long-term exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and lung cancer has been established in previous studies. PM2.5 is a complex mixture of chemical components from various sources and [...] specific elemental components of PM2.5 and lung cancer incidence. METHODS: We...
Long-term exposure to fine particle elemental components and lung cancer incidence in the ELAPSE pooled cohort (Publications)
16) per 50 ng/m(3) PM2.5 K, 1.09 (95% CI 1.02, 1.15) per 1 ng/m(3) PM2.5 Ni, 1.22 (95% CI 1.11, 1.35) per 200 ng/m(3) PM2.5 S, and 1.07 (95% CI 1.02, 1.12) per 200 ng/m(3) PM2.5 V. Effect estimates were [...] association between long-term exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and lung cancer has been established in previous studies. PM2.5 is a complex mixture of chemical components from various sources and [...] specific elemental components of PM2.5 and lung cancer incidence. METHODS: We...
Synthesis and antiprotozoal activity of aza-analogues of furamidine (Publications)
6-[5-(4-Amidinophenyl)furan-2-yl]nicotinamidine (8a) was synthesized from 6-[5-(4-cyanophenyl)furan-2-yl]nicotinonitrile (4a), through the bis-O-acetoxyamidoxime followed by hydrogenation. Compound 4a [...] 4c and 4d, respectively. N-Methoxy-6-[5-[4-(N-methoxyamidino)phenyl]-furan-2-yl]-nicotinamidine (6a) was prepared via methylation of the respective diamidoxime 5a with dimethylsulfate. Prodrugs 6b and [...] and 6c were also prepared by methylation of the respective diamidoximes 5b and 5d. The...
Synthesis and antiprotozoal activity of aza-analogues of furamidine (Publications)
6-[5-(4-Amidinophenyl)furan-2-yl]nicotinamidine (8a) was synthesized from 6-[5-(4-cyanophenyl)furan-2-yl]nicotinonitrile (4a), through the bis-O-acetoxyamidoxime followed by hydrogenation. Compound 4a [...] 4c and 4d, respectively. N-Methoxy-6-[5-[4-(N-methoxyamidino)phenyl]-furan-2-yl]-nicotinamidine (6a) was prepared via methylation of the respective diamidoxime 5a with dimethylsulfate. Prodrugs 6b and [...] and 6c were also prepared by methylation of the respective diamidoximes 5b and 5d. The...
Conférences (Page)
Krankheit Gerd Pluschke SR5 DE 11:30-11:55 Swiss TPH im Fokus Jürg Utzinger SR4 DE 11:30-11:55 Reisegesundheit: Wie funktioniert eine Malaria-Prophylaxe? Andreas Neumayr SR5 DE 12:00-12:25 Wie Parasiten [...] Mäusezahl SR5 DE 13:30-13:55 Blutsauger im Visier: Was gibt es Neues in der Mückenforschung? Pie Müller SR4 DE 13:30-13:55 From Lab to Patient: The Fascinating Journey of Drug Development Elisabeth Reus SR5 EN [...] Knoblauch SR1 DE 14:00-14:25 5G-Antennen: Wie stark werden wir bestrahlt?...
Child survival gains in Tanzania: analysis of data from demographic and health surveys (Publications)
reduction in mortality in children younger than 5 years in Tanzania between 2000 and 2004. In 1990, the point estimate of mortality was 141.5 (95% CI 141.5-141.5) deaths per 1000 livebirths. This was reduced [...] recent national survey in Tanzania reported that mortality in children younger than 5 years dropped by 24% over the 5 years between 2000 and 2004. We aimed to investigate yearly changes to identify what [...] health surveys done in Tanzania since 1990 to generate estimates of mortality...