Evaluation of the Merlin MICRONAUT system for rapid direct susceptibility testing of gram-positive cocci and gram-negative bacilli from positive blood... (Publications)
3% of combinations showing very major errors, those for 0.4% showing major errors, and those for 0.5% showing minor errors. Although the number of tested isolates was limited (n = 33), direct AST of s
The mitochondrial genomes of the zoonotic canine filarial parasites<em> Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens</em> and <em>Candidatus</em> Dirofilaria... (Publications)
sequences clustered together and were the common sister group to Dirofilaria immitis. Analysis of a 2.5 kb mitochondrial genome fragment from macrofilaria or canine blood samples from Europe (42), Thailand
Molecular epidemiology and seroprevalence in asymptomatic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections of Malagasy pregnant women in the highlands (Publications)
respectively. In the mean, 1.2 clones were detected in infected pregnant woman in the highlands and 1.5 at the coast. A higher level of monoclonal infections was found in the highlands (85.4%) compared to
Are out-of-school adolescents at higher risk of adverse health outcomes? Evidence from 9 diverse settings in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
We assessed heterogeneity by gender and study site. RESULTS: Across 7,829 adolescents aged 10-19, 70.5% were in school at the time of interview. In-school adolescents were 14.3% more likely (95% CI: 6-22)
Maternal hepatitis B infection burden, comorbidity and pregnancy outcome in a low-income population on the Myanmar-Thailand border: a retrospective... (Publications)
HBsAg+/HBeAg- and 211/11,025 (1.9%) were HBsAg+/HBeAg+. The caesarean section rate was low at 522/8,963 (5.8%). No significant associations were observed between pregnancy comorbidities or adverse pregnancy
Descriptive epidemiology of anaemia among pregnant women initiating antenatal care in rural Northern Ghana (Publications)
women with median Hb of 11.1 g/dL (IQR 7.31-13.8). The median gestational age at booking was 14 weeks (5-36 weeks). The prevalence of anaemia was 42.7%, with 95% confidence interval (CI) [38.4-47.1], and was
Genetic diversity of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> strains circulating in Botswana (Publications)
cluster); giving a clustering rate of 76%. We identified 173 (37.8%) drug resistant isolates, 48 (10.5%) of these were multi-drug resistant. MIRU typing of the drug resistant isolates allowed grouping of
Food-borne and water-borne diseases under climate change in low- and middle-income countries: further efforts needed for reducing environmental health... (Publications)
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2010 with 40% of this burden concentrated among children under 5 years of age. The highest burden per population of food-borne diseases is found in Africa, followed
Pharmacokinetics of ascending doses of ivermectin in <em>Trichuris trichiura</em>-infected children aged 2-12 years (Publications)
dose-finding trial in rural Cote d'Ivoire, Trichuris trichiura-infected pre-school-aged children (PSAC, 2-5 years) and school-aged children (SAC, 6-12 years) were assigned to 100 or 200 mug/kg and 200, 400 or
Incidence and types of adverse events during mass vaccination campaign with the meningococcal A conjugate vaccine (MENAFRIVACTM) in Cameroon (Publications)
The proportion of people with the SOC "Gastrointestinal disorders" was significantly lower in ages 5-15 and 16-29 years than 1-4 years [aRR = 0.63(0.42-0.93) and 0.54(0.36-0.81) respectively]. CONCLUSION: