Machine learning prediction models for clinical management of blood-borne viral infections: a systematic review of current applications and future... (Publications)
and two (6.1%) on co-infection. Among these, six (18.2%) addressed the diagnosis of infection, 16 (48.5%) the prognosis of infection, eight (24.2%) the prediction of treatment response, two (6.1%) progression
Antibiotic point prevalence survey and antimicrobial resistance in hospitalized patients across Peruvian reference hospitals (Publications)
antibiotics (74.2 %) were prescribed as empirical treatment, only 4.4 % as targeted treatment. For 9.5 % of cases the reason for antibiotic use was unknown. Cephalosporins were the most prescribed (30.0
A community based seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Somali Region, eastern Ethiopia (Publications)
The highest prevalence was found in Goljano district (70%) and the lowest in Gunagado district (22.5%). Only age was found to be associated with COVID-19 seropositivity. Conclusion: Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2
The footprint of human-induced climate change on heat-related deaths in the summer of 2022 in Switzerland (Publications)
confidence interval (95% eCI): 151–1068] due to heat between June and August 2022, corresponding to 3.5% of all-cause mortality. More importantly, we find that 60% of this burden (370 deaths [95% eCI: 133–644])
Investigating sustainability challenges for the National Health Insurance Fund in Tanzania: a modelling approach (Publications)
Insurance Fund in Tanzania. The analysis focused on determining the average cost per beneficiary across 5-year age groups separated by gender, and grouped by broad health condition categories. We then modelled
Long-term air pollution exposure and COVID-19 case-severity: an analysis of individual-level data from Switzerland (Publications)
waves of COVID-19 between February 2020 and May 2021. High-resolution maps of particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations were produced for the 6 years preceding the pandemic using
Quality of care for postpartum hemorrhage: a direct observation study in referral hospitals in Kenya (Publications)
Interval: 7% - 11%). Health care providers followed all guidelines for PPH risk assessment in 7% (5% - 10%) of observed deliveries and all guidelines for PPH prevention in 4% (3% - 6%) of observed deliveries
Potential drivers for schistosomiasis persistence: population genetic analyses from a cluster-randomized urogenital schistosomiasis elimination trial... (Publications)
1,522 miracidia from 176 children; 303 from 43 adults; age-range 6-75, mean 12.7 years) and at year 5 (2016: 1,486 miracidia from 146 children; 214 from 25 adults; age-range 9-46, mean 12.4 years). Measures
Pharmacokinetics of ascending doses of praziquantel in adults infected with <em>Opisthorchis felineus</em> in Western Siberia, Russian Federation (Publications)
-praziquantel, respectively, when patients were given a single 60-mg/kg dose, and they peaked at 1.5 and 2 h for the enantiomers and at 3 h for the metabolite. The herein-generated PK data, together with
Does global health governance walk the talk? Gender representation in World Health Assemblies, 1948-2021 (Publications)
other gendered language. A gender-to-name algorithm was used as a last resort (4.6%). Time series of 5-year rolling averages of the percentage of women across WHO region, income group and delegate roles