Spectrum-malaria: a user-friendly projection tool for health impact assessment and strategic planning by malaria control programmes in sub-Saharan... (Publications)
planning tools, the model includes historic estimates of case incidence and deaths in groups aged up to 4, 5-14, and 15+ years, and prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum infection (PfPR) among children 2-9 years
Modelling the vertical gradient of nitrogen dioxide in an urban area (Publications)
(RMSE 4.1mug/m(3)), it predicted measured concentrations at all heights with an R(2) of 0.79 (RMSE 4.5mug/m(3)), systematically overpredicting concentrations at higher floors. The LUR model considering vertical
Repeated doses of Praziquantel in Schistosomiasis Treatment (RePST) - single versus multiple praziquantel treatments in school-aged children in Côte... (Publications)
methods. METHODS: An open-label, randomised controlled trial will be conducted in school-aged children (5 to 18 years) from the region of Taabo, Cote d'Ivoire, an area endemic for S. mansoni. This 8-week trial
A broadly-protective vaccine against meningococcal disease in sub-Saharan Africa based on generalised modules for membrane antigens (GMMA) (Publications)
generalised modules for membrane antigens (GMMA) from a recombinant serogroup W strain expressing PorA P1.5,2, which is predominant among African W isolates. The strain was engineered with deleted capsule locus
Antiprotozoal activity of <em>Khaya anthotheca</em>, (Welv.) C.D.C. A plant used by chimpanzees for self medication (Publications)
showed activity against Plasmodium falciparum (IC50 0.955?g/ml) and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (IC50 5.72?g/ml). The pure compounds (1) and (2) demonstrated activity against Plasmodium falciparum (KI strain)
Prevalence of atopy and respiratory allergic diseases in the elderly SAPALDIA population (Publications)
to a detailed questionnaire (80% of SAPALDIA 1 participants). Phadiatop results were available for 5,835 participants (men = 2,839/women = 2,996). Prevalence rates of atopy (Phadiatop positive) were 36
<em>Opisthorchis felineus</em> infection and cholangiocarcinoma in the Russian Federation: a review of medical statistics (Publications)
cases per 100,000 population; the highest rate was reported in Sakha Republic and Tomsk Oblast (14.5 and 9.3 cases per 100,000 population), and the lowest in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (0.9 cases per
A large-scale behavior change intervention to prevent Nipah transmission in Bangladesh: components and costs (Publications)
similar intervention in 30 districts where NiV spillover has occurred, would cost between $2.6 and $3.5 million for one season. Placing the posters would cost $96,000 and only broadcasting the public service
Clinical evaluation for morbidity associated with soil-transmitted helminth infection in school-age children on Pemba Island, Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: More than 1.5 billion people are infected with soil-transmitted helminths (Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, Strongyloides stercoralis, and Trichuris trichiura), causing an estimated global burden
Polyclonal gut colonization with extended-spectrum cephalosporin- and/or colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae: a normal status for hotel employees on... (Publications)
RESULTS: Colonization prevalence with ESC-R-, CST-R- and mcr-1-positive Enterobacteriaceae were 91.5%, 66.1% and 18.6%, respectively (average: 2.2 strains per volunteer). Overall, 55 ESC-R Escherichia