Diagnostic en parasitologie médicale | Swiss TPH Short Courses (Page)
de CHF 50 sera prélevé. S'inscrire maintenant Détails du cours Durée: 1 jour Dates 2024: Paludisme: 5 décembre 2024 Dates 2025: Paludisme: 14 août 2025 Parasitoses intestinales: 16 octobre 2025 Date limite
Providing Technical Assistance to a Church Based Health Insurance Scheme (BEPHA) in Cameroon (Projects)
sector in Cameroon, operating in total 45 health facilities (12 in Bamenda, 4 in Buea, 24 in Kumbo, and 5 in Mamfe). BEPHA was launched as a pilot scheme in Mamfe on the 15th of October 2007, followed by the
On the island of Zanzibar people in the community are frequently colonized with the same MDR Enterobacterales found in poultry and retailed chicken... (Publications)
ESC-R Escherichia coli (CTX-M-15 subgroup, 75%), 34 ESC-R Klebsiella pneumoniae (CTX-M-9 group, 54.5%), 24 non-ESC-R but CST-R E. coli (mcr-1, 95.8%) and 17 non-ESC-R but CST-R K. pneumoniae (D150G su
Noise and/or ultrafine particulate matter induced cerebral and cardiovascular damage: novel insights from experimental and epidemiological brain-heart... (Projects)
noise is responsible for the loss of 1.6 million healthy life years and air pollution causes around 0.5 million premature deaths each year. Despite these serious effects, these health risks are often not
Quantification of Health Impact of Air pollution in Switzerland (Projects)
indicator pollutant, reference values, selection of outcomes etc. on the attributable deaths estimates 5. To explain changes in the burden of disease estimates over time in Switzerland as a function of air
Exclusive breastfeeding: global rates, optimal duration, and a multi-country intervention (Projects)
countries only provides an average of exclusive breastfeeding within the last 24-hours among children 0-5 months of age, leaving the final duration of exclusive breastfeeding unknown. Lastly, interventions
Modelling support to decision-making for malaria control in Benin (Projects)
between administering seasonal malaria chemoprevention to children until 10 in few regions or until 5 in a larger area. We use again OpenMalaria to project the impact of the interventions on prevalence
Papua New Guinea National Malaria Control Programme Evaluation and Operational Research 2021 to 2023 (Projects)
adjust guidelines to prevent widespread insecticide resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes. Activity 5: LLIN durability assessment including bio-efficacy testing and chemical analysis of LLINs. Activity
Global-Partnership-Initiated-Biosecurity-Academia for Controlling Health Threats (Projects)
Anonymous evaluations of the course by the fellows have regularly scored above 4 (mean of 4.7, n= ?) on a 1-5 rating scale and have shown great acceptance of the programme. The knowledge network is further strengthened
<em>IL-33</em> polymorphisms are associated with increased risk of hay fever and reduced regulatory T cells in a birth cohort (Publications)
(rs928413, rs1342326) was performed by MALDI-TOF-MS in 880 out of 1133 PASTURE/EFRAIM children. In 4.5 years old German PASTURE/EFRAIM children (n=99) CD4+ CD25high FOXP3+ Tregs were assessed by flow cytometry