Novel S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase inhibitors for the treatment of human African trypanosomiasis (Publications)
showed that the half-life of Genz-644131 was threefold greater than that of MDL 73811 (7.4 h versus 2.5 h). Furthermore, brain penetration of Genz-644131 was 4.3-fold higher than that of MDL 73811. Finally
Providing Technical Assistance to a Church Based Health Insurance Scheme (BEPHA) in Cameroon (Projects)
sector in Cameroon, operating in total 45 health facilities (12 in Bamenda, 4 in Buea, 24 in Kumbo, and 5 in Mamfe). BEPHA was launched as a pilot scheme in Mamfe on the 15th of October 2007, followed by the
Vitamin A supplementation in Tanzania: the impact of a change in programmatic delivery strategy on coverage (Publications)
the introduction of twice-yearly vitamin A supplementation campaigns for children aged 6 months to 5 years, a 6-monthly universal targeting scheme (2002). A representative cluster sample of approximately
Serodiagnosis of <em>Echinococcus spp.</em> infection: explorative selection of diagnostic antigens by peptide microarray (Publications)
parasite proteins potentially exposed to the host immune system. From 6 proteins of E. multilocularis and 5 proteins of E. granulosus, 45 peptides between 24 and 30 amino acids in length were designed. These
Solar drinking water disinfection (SODIS) to reduce childhood diarrhoea in rural Bolivia: a cluster-randomized, controlled trial (Publications)
s in Bolivia to evaluate the effect of SODIS in reducing diarrhoea among children under the age of 5 y. A local nongovernmental organisation conducted a standardised interactive SODIS-promotion campaign
Reproductive health care for asylum-seeking women - a challenge for health professionals (Publications)
RESULTS: The principal health problems among the asylum seekers were a high rate of induced abortions (2.5 times higher than in the local population), due to inadequate contraception, and psychosocial stress
Determinants of the cost-effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in infants and children (Publications)
averted was predicted to decrease as a target five-year age-band for IPTc was shifted from children under 5 years into older ages, except at low transmission intensities. CONCLUSIONS: Modelling can extend the
Ensemble modeling of the likely public health impact of a pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine (Publications)
catch-up vaccinations), supplementary vaccination of school-age children, or mass vaccination every 5 y. Settings with seasonally varying transmission, with overall pre-intervention entomological inoculation
Malaria risk and access to prevention and treatment in the paddies of the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania (Publications)
fever episodes were treated at a health facility, while home-management was less common (37%, 17.4-50.5). CONCLUSION: Living in the shamba does not appear to result in a higher fever-risk. Mosquito nets usage
Traffic-related air pollution and incident type 2 diabetes: results from the SALIA cohort study (Publications)
nitrogen dioxide was determined at different spatial scales. RESULTS: Between 1990 and 2006, 87 (10.5%) new cases of diabetes were reported among the SALIA cohort members. The hazards for diabetes were