Competitive co-adsorption of bacteriophage MS2 and natural organic matter onto multiwalled carbon nanotubes (Publications)
MWCNT surface saturation at initial SRNOM concentrations between 10 and 15 mgC/L, for water pH between 5.2 and 8.7. These results suggested that at NOM:virus ratios found in natural waters, the NOM would
Multi-decade changes in pollen season onset, duration, and intensity: a concern for public health? (Publications)
05), with magnitude of 31-year change dependent on specific MPS definition (hazel: 9–18 days; oak: 5–13 days; grasses: 8–25 days; and nettle/hemp: 6–25 days). There is also consensus (p < 0.05) for modified
Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from mobile communication: description of modeled dose in brain regions and the body in European children and... (Publications)
mJ/kg/day). Among brain regions, temporal lobes received the highest RF dose (medians of 274.9 and 1786.5 mJ/kg/day in children and adolescents, respectively) followed by the frontal lobe. In most children
Providing Technical Assistance to a Church Based Health Insurance Scheme (BEPHA) in Cameroon (Projects)
sector in Cameroon, operating in total 45 health facilities (12 in Bamenda, 4 in Buea, 24 in Kumbo, and 5 in Mamfe). BEPHA was launched as a pilot scheme in Mamfe on the 15th of October 2007, followed by the
Winter Symposium 2017 (Page)
Giovanna Raso, Swiss TPH 15:50 Elimination of Urogenital Schistosomiasis in Zanzibar: Results of a 5-Year Multi-Disciplinary Integrated Intervention Approach, Stefanie Knopp, Swiss TPH 16:10 Evaluation [...] NTDs – New Frontiers, Yael Velleman, WaterAid, UK 17:00 End of Day 1 Friday, 8 December 2017 Session 5 – Helminth Infection: Pain and Gain Chairs: O. Fedorova, Siberian State Medical University, Russia and
CAS Health Systems and Management | Study at Swiss TPH (Page)
to Implementation (DAS HCM) course. Course Structure The CAS in Health Systems and Managment lasts 5 weeks on a full-time basis. After successful completion, you can easily progress to the DAS Health Care [...] flight bookings, etc. Apply now At a Glance Degree: Certificate of Advanced Studies (11 ECTS) Duration: 5 weeks Course Dates 2025: 19 May - 20 June 2025 Application Deadline 2025: 16 March 2025 Course Dates
Viral Immunology (Page)
maternal disease, and evidence of association with transient infant stunting. Am J Trop Med Hyg . 2024;111(5):1107-1117. DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.23-0801 Röltgen K, Boyd S.D. Antibody and B cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 [...] Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 and waning humoral immunity: a case report. Vaccines (Basel) . 2022;11(1):5. DOI: 10.3390/vaccines11010005 Jia X et al. Anti-nucleocapsid antibody levels and pulmonary comorbid
severe malaria with artesunate reduced the case fatality substantially. An overall reduction of 22.5 % of mortality in African children (< 15 years) was reported using injectable artesunate compared to
Switch Either near Suppression Or THOusand – switch to second-line versus WHO-guided standard of care for unsuppressed patients on first-line ART with... (Projects)
90% power to detect a difference of 35% in viral resuppression between the groups (assuming two-sided 5% alpha error). Primary analysis followed a modified intention-to-treat set with loss from care, death
Evaluation of heat wave related mortality and adaptation measures in Switzerland (Projects)
which best describes the heat effect on mortality and identification of the highest groups at risk. 5) Preparation and dissemination of epidemiological studies on the topic for interested stakeholders with