Complete series method (CSM): a convenient method to reduce daily heterogeneity when evaluating the regeneration time (RT) of insecticide-treated nets... (Publications)
complicating RT determination. To overcome this, nets at each stage of regeneration (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days post wash) were prepared in advance and refrigerated; then, a complete regeneration series
School-based preventive chemotherapy program for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminth control in Angola: 6-year impact assessment (Publications)
Huambo was -28.4% (95%CI -92.1, 35.2), Uige -10.7% (95%CI -30.2, 8.8), and Zaire -20.9% (95%CI -79.5, 37.8). A higher proportion of WASH-supported schools had improved water sources, and toilet and handwashing
A semi-field evaluation in Thailand of the use of human landing catches (HLC) versus human-baited double net trap (HDN) for assessing the impact of a... (Publications)
RESULTS: For the VPSR, the protective efficacy was similar for the two methods: 99.3%, 95% CI (99.5-99.0) when measured by HLC, and 100% (100, Inf) when measured by HDN where no mosquitoes were caught
Risk of imported malaria infections in Zanzibar: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
icity was classified as low or very low (adjusted odd ratio = 7.0, 95% confidence interval: 1.9-25.5). Among travellers to the mainland, 110/378 (29%) never or only sometimes used a mosquito net during
Impact of a multi-disease integrated screening and diagnostic model for COVID-19, TB, and HIV in Lesotho (Publications)
during the period between December 2020 and August 2022. Adults, hospital staff, and children above 5 years attending two hospitals were pre-screened for COVID-19 and TB symptoms. After a positive pre-screening
Relationship between animal health and livestock farmers' wellbeing in Ghana: beyond zoonoses (Publications)
effects, in a pre-specified model. RESULTS: Our results showed that farmers had a median score of 65.5 out of 100 (IQR: 56.6 to 73.2) on the wellbeing scale. The farmers' reported on average (median) 10%
Adaptation of the CUGH global health competency framework in the Chinese context: a mixed-methods study (Publications)
Population Health, Health Systems, and Healthcare; 4. Major Global health initiatives and efforts; 5. Ethics, Health Equity and Social Justice; 6. Sociocultural, Political Awareness and Policy Promotion;
Health and economic benefits of achieving contraceptive and maternal health targets in small island developing states in the Pacific and Caribbean (Publications)
and 121 (29%) maternal deaths and lead to a 15-fold economic benefit of US$190.6M (US$67.0M-US$304.5M) by 2050. For the four Caribbean countries, an additional US$17.8M (US$15.3M-US$22.4M) was needed to
Implementation research of a cluster randomized trial evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria... (Publications)
malaria epidemiologic shift to school-aged children was noted. In the meantime, school-aged children (5-15 years) have become increasingly more vulnerable with asymptomatic malaria prevalence reaching up
Identifying policy gaps in a COVID-19 online tool using the five-factor framework (Publications)
quantitative results. Third, in-depth interviews were held with healthcare providers and authorities (n = 5) that were privy to the tool. Framework analysis was adopted using the five-factor framework as a lens