The role of non-commercial cyprinids in maintenance and spread of the opisthorchiasis focus in the middle Ob River basin (Tomsk region, Russia) (Publications)
bleak from the rivers of the middle Ob River basin is rapidly increasing from 2.4 (2016-2018) to 37.5% (2020-2021), and mean intensity of infection increased from 1 to 4.15. The epizootic state of water
Child mortality associated with maternal HIV status: a retrospective analysis in Rwanda, 2005-2015 (Publications)
independent predictors of under-2 mortality included living in smaller families of 1-2 members (AOR 5.25; 95% CI 3.59 to 7.68), being twin (AOR 4.93; 95% CI 3.51 to 6.92) and being offspring from mothers
Maternal drinking behaviour and co-exposure from smoking during and after pregnancy in relation to the neurocognitive function of school-children in... (Publications)
during pregnancy and reduced child's spatial working memory (beta: -0.59; CI: -1.02; -0.15). Heavy (> 5 cigarettes per day) gestational smoking was associated with lowered child's learning in memory (beta:-1
Evaluation of different deployment strategies for larviciding to control malaria: a simulation study (Publications)
to four times higher at low than high transmission. Reducing larviciding frequency (i.e., from every 5 to 10 days) resulted in substantial loss in effectiveness (54, 45 and 53% loss of impact for host-seeking
Rationale and design of a panel study investigating six health effects of airborne pollen: the EPOCHAL study (Publications)
cardiovascular outcomes (blood pressure and heart rate variability); (3) cognitive performance; (4) sleep; (5) health-related quality of life (HRQoL); and (6) allergic rhinitis symptom severity. Our goal is to
Attrition, physical integrity and insecticidal activity of long-lasting insecticidal nets in sub-Saharan Africa and modelling of their impact on... (Publications)
METHODS: Starting in 2009, LLIN durability studies were conducted in seven countries in Africa over 5 years. WHO-recommended measures of attrition, LLIN use, insecticidal activity, and physical integrity
"If it is left, it becomes easy for me to get tested": use of oral self-tests and community health workers to maximize the potential of home-based HIV... (Publications)
coverage of 484/1236 (39%) in the control versus 1086/1445 (75%) in the intervention arm (aOR 8.80 [95% CI 5.81 to 13.32]; p < 0.001). 21 interviews were performed. Personal assistance after the secondary distribution
CAS Health Research and Interventions | Study at Swiss TPH (Page)
Apply now for the CAS Health Research and Interventions Costs and Scholarships Total course fee: CHF 5,500 as a full-time programme or CHF 6,000 if the programme is completed as a part-time programme over [...] Scholarships: None Course Coordinator: Karin Gross Contact: Ursina Mory ( + 41 61 284 82 34 ) Costs: CHF 5,500 to CHF 6,000 (depending on programme model) Online Information Session Do you have a specific question
Household Health Systems (Page)
middle- income countries can be attributed to poor water, sanitation and hygiene. This amounts to 1.5% of the total disease burden and 58% of diarrhoeal diseases. The Household Health Systems group has [...] prospective national case-control and molecular source attribution study (SwissLEGIO). Infection . 2023;51(5):1467-1479. DOI: 10.1007/s15010-023-02014-x Fischer F.B, Mäusezahl D, Wymann M.N. Temporal trends in
Fexinidazole (Page)
e products for the treatment of this fatal disease. One promising agent is Fexinidazole. It is a 2-5-nitroimidazole, formulated for oral administration, which has been shown to possess in vitro and in