Creating access to SARS-CoV-2 screening and testing through community-based COVID-19 case-finding, observations from cross-sectional studies in... (Publications)
among 428 COVID-19 screen positive participants. In the community hubs among 3150 people tested, 166 (5.3%) SARS-CoV-2 cases were identified in a period of 26 weeks. From the community hubs approach, where
Association of pesticide exposure with neurobehavioral outcomes among avocado farmworkers in Mexico (Publications)
Global Severity Index (GSI) (IRR = 1.89, 95% CI:1.36, 2.75) scores, whereas higher concentrations of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPy, metabolite of chlorpyrifos) were associated with lower GSI scores (IRR = 0
Impacts of performance-based financing on health system performance: evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Publications)
of health facilities by 4 percentage points (ppts) (95% CI 0.01-0.08), technical process quality by 5 ppts (0.03-0.07), and non-technical process by 2 ppts (0-0.04). PBF also increased coverage of priority
Human landing catches provide a useful measure of protective efficacy for the evaluation of volatile pyrethroid spatial repellents (Publications)
using a 6 x 6 x 2-m netted cage within a semi-field system. Hessian strips (4 m x 0.1 m) treated with a 5-, 10-, 15-, or 20-g dose of transfluthrin were evaluated against a paired negative control for three
False-negative malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Rwanda: impact of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> isolates lacking <em>hrp2</em> and declining malaria... (Publications)
RESULTS: In comparison to microscopy, the sensitivity and specificity of HRP2- and pLDH-based RDTs were 89.5 and 86.2% and 80.2 and 94.3%, respectively. When the results for both RDTs were combined, sensitivity
The relative contribution of climate variability and vector control coverage to changes in malaria parasite prevalence in Zambia 2006-2012 (Publications)
parasite prevalence decreased from 19.6 % in 2006 to 10.4 % in 2008, but rose to 15.3 % in 2010 and 13.5 % in 2012. We estimated that the majority of this prevalence increase at the national level between
Cost effectiveness of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment using amodiaquine & artesunate or sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in Ghanaian children (Publications)
(IPTc) involves the administration of a full course of an anti-malarial treatment to children under 5 years old at specified time points regardless of whether or not they are known to be infected, in areas
Transportation noise exposure, noise annoyance and respiratory health in adults: a repeated-measures study (Publications)
applying random intercepts at the level of the participants. Prevalent respiratory symptoms ranged from 5% (nocturnal dyspnoea) to 23% (regular cough/phlegm). Transportation noise annoyance, but not Lden, was
Dramatic decreases of malaria transmission intensities in Ifakara, south-eastern Tanzania since early 2000s (Publications)
consisted entirely of Anopheles arabiensis, while An. funestus included 84.2% An. funestus s.s., 4.5% Anopheles rivulorum, 1.4% Anopheles leesoni and 9.9% with unamplified-DNA. Anopheles gambiae were
Intestinal parasite infections and associated risk factors among schoolchildren in Dolakha and Ramechhap districts, Nepal: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
of intestinal parasite infections was 39.7%. Trichuris trichiura (30.9%), Giardia intestinalis (30.5%) and hookworm (30.2%) were the predominant intestinal parasite infections. Children from households