Cost effectiveness of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment using amodiaquine & artesunate or sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in Ghanaian children (Publications)
(IPTc) involves the administration of a full course of an anti-malarial treatment to children under 5 years old at specified time points regardless of whether or not they are known to be infected, in areas
Geospatial health: the first five years (Publications)
contributions have been published so far, primarily original research (79.7%), followed by reviews (7.5%), announcements (6.0%), editorials and meeting reports (3.0% each) and a preface in the first issue
Comparison of community-wide, integrated mass drug administration strategies for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis: a... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: More than 1·5 billion people are affected by schistosomiasis or soil-transmitted helminthiasis. WHO's recommendations for mass drug administration (MDA) against these parasitic infections emphasise
Prévalences et polyparasitisme des protozoaires intestinaux et répartition spatiale d'<em>Entamoeba histolytica</em>/<em>Entamoeba dispar</em> et... (Publications)
were Endolimax nanus (83.8%) and E. coli (74.7%). The regional prevalence of G. intestinalis was 17.5% and of E. histolytica/E. dispar 11.3%. Both species were found in each of the 57 schools. The prevalence
The relative contribution of climate variability and vector control coverage to changes in malaria parasite prevalence in Zambia 2006-2012 (Publications)
parasite prevalence decreased from 19.6 % in 2006 to 10.4 % in 2008, but rose to 15.3 % in 2010 and 13.5 % in 2012. We estimated that the majority of this prevalence increase at the national level between
Intestinal parasite infections and associated risk factors among schoolchildren in Dolakha and Ramechhap districts, Nepal: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
of intestinal parasite infections was 39.7%. Trichuris trichiura (30.9%), Giardia intestinalis (30.5%) and hookworm (30.2%) were the predominant intestinal parasite infections. Children from households
Transportation noise exposure, noise annoyance and respiratory health in adults: a repeated-measures study (Publications)
applying random intercepts at the level of the participants. Prevalent respiratory symptoms ranged from 5% (nocturnal dyspnoea) to 23% (regular cough/phlegm). Transportation noise annoyance, but not Lden, was
Dramatic decreases of malaria transmission intensities in Ifakara, south-eastern Tanzania since early 2000s (Publications)
consisted entirely of Anopheles arabiensis, while An. funestus included 84.2% An. funestus s.s., 4.5% Anopheles rivulorum, 1.4% Anopheles leesoni and 9.9% with unamplified-DNA. Anopheles gambiae were
Slow clearance of histidine-rich protein-2 in Gabonese with uncomplicated malaria (Publications)
3-day course of artesunate/amodiaquine. HRP2 levels were quantified at enrollment and on days 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 22, and 28 post-treatment initiation. The findings reveal an unexpectedly prolonged clearance
Assessment of the knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward human tuberculosis amongst rural communities in Chad (Publications)
knowledge and good attitudes; however, in the analyses, the association was not significant [OR knowledge = 5.83 (95% C.I. 0.6842.83), p = 0.112; OR attitude = 2.09 (95% C.I. 0.875.04), p = 0.100]. Furthermore