Acid-induced rearrangement of epoxygermacranolides: synthesis of furanoheliangolides and cadinanes from nobilin (Publications)
vative 2, furanoheliangolide 5 was obtained, while the 4,5-epoxy group of 3 did not react. Conversely, when the 3-hydroxy function of nobilin was acetylated (12), the 4,5-epoxy derivative did cyclize into [...] into cadinanes (15 and 16) under Lewis acid catalysis. The reactivity of the 4,5- and 1,10-epoxy derivatives of nobilin (2 and 3) was compared with that of parthenolide, and rationalized on the basis of
In vitro susceptibility of <em>P. falciparum</em> populations from Colombia and Tanzania to a new synthetic peroxide (OZ277) (Publications)
values of 2.5 ng/mL [0.34-8] (4.4 nM [0.6-14]) and Tanzania with 1.5 ng/mL [0.22-10] (2.65 nM [0.4-17.7]). The potency of OZ277 was similar to artesunate, showing median IC(50) values of 1.5 ng/mL [0.42-8 [...] 42-8.6] (3.8 nM [1.1-22.3]) and 1.8 ng/mL [0.2-10] (4.7 nM [0.5-26.04]) in Colombia and Tanzania, respectively. These results support the development of this new antimalarial compound
Predicting airborne particle levels aboard Washington State school buses (Publications)
e matter (PM2.5) aboard school buses as part of a larger study examining the respiratory health impacts of emission reducing retrofits. To assess onboard concentrations, continuous PM2.5 data were collected [...] regression models for PM2.5 onboard buses were created with and without control for roadway concentrations, which were also modeled. Predictors examined included ambient PM2.5 levels, ambient weather, and
In vitro susceptibility of <em>P. falciparum</em> populations from Colombia and Tanzania to a new synthetic peroxide (OZ277) (Publications)
values of 2.5 ng/mL [0.34-8] (4.4 nM [0.6-14]) and Tanzania with 1.5 ng/mL [0.22-10] (2.65 nM [0.4-17.7]). The potency of OZ277 was similar to artesunate, showing median IC(50) values of 1.5 ng/mL [0.42-8 [...] 42-8.6] (3.8 nM [1.1-22.3]) and 1.8 ng/mL [0.2-10] (4.7 nM [0.5-26.04]) in Colombia and Tanzania, respectively. These results support the development of this new antimalarial compound
Predicting airborne particle levels aboard Washington State school buses (Publications)
e matter (PM2.5) aboard school buses as part of a larger study examining the respiratory health impacts of emission reducing retrofits. To assess onboard concentrations, continuous PM2.5 data were collected [...] regression models for PM2.5 onboard buses were created with and without control for roadway concentrations, which were also modeled. Predictors examined included ambient PM2.5 levels, ambient weather, and
Acid-induced rearrangement of epoxygermacranolides: synthesis of furanoheliangolides and cadinanes from nobilin (Publications)
vative 2, furanoheliangolide 5 was obtained, while the 4,5-epoxy group of 3 did not react. Conversely, when the 3-hydroxy function of nobilin was acetylated (12), the 4,5-epoxy derivative did cyclize into [...] into cadinanes (15 and 16) under Lewis acid catalysis. The reactivity of the 4,5- and 1,10-epoxy derivatives of nobilin (2 and 3) was compared with that of parthenolide, and rationalized on the basis of
Phylogenomics of <em>Mycobacterium africanum</em> reveals a new lineage and a complex evolutionary history (Publications)
known as M. tuberculosis sensu stricto, as well as two lineages (L5 and L6) traditionally referred to as Mycobacterium africanum. Strains of L5 and L6 are largely limited to West Africa for reasons unknown [...] phylogeography and evolution. Here, we analysed the genomes of 350 L5 and 320 L6 strains, isolated from patients from 21 African countries, plus 5 related genomes that had not been classified into any of the [...] Africa, the most likely ancestral distribution for both L5 and L6 was the...
Prenatal air pollution exposure and early cardiovascular phenotypes in young adults (Publications)
analysis. Prenatal PM10 and PM2.5 exposures were associated with increased CAS. For example, a 2 SD increase in prenatal PM2.5 was associated with CAS indices, including a 5% increase (beta = 1.05, 95% CI [...] beta, a 5% increase (beta = 1.05, 95% CI 1.01-1.10) in Young's elastic modulus and a 5% decrease (beta = 0.95, 95% CI 0.91-0.99) in distensibility. Mutually adjusted models of pre- and postnatal PM2.5 further
Representative seroprevalences of brucellosis in humans and livestock in Kyrgyzstan (Publications)
nces of brucellosis were 8.8% in humans (95% CI 4.5-16.5), 2.8% (95% CI 1.6-4.9%) in cattle, 3.3% (95% CI 1.5-6.9%) in sheep, and 2.5% (95% CI 1.4-4.5%) in goats. Naryn Oblast had the highest seroprevalences [...] Kyrgyzstan reported 77.5 new human brucellosis cases per 100,000 people in 2007, which is one of the highest incidences worldwide. In Kyrgyzstan, the currently used diagnostic tests in humans and animals
Phylogenomics of <em>Mycobacterium africanum</em> reveals a new lineage and a complex evolutionary history (Publications)
known as M. tuberculosis sensu stricto, as well as two lineages (L5 and L6) traditionally referred to as Mycobacterium africanum. Strains of L5 and L6 are largely limited to West Africa for reasons unknown [...] phylogeography and evolution. Here, we analysed the genomes of 350 L5 and 320 L6 strains, isolated from patients from 21 African countries, plus 5 related genomes that had not been classified into any of the [...] Africa, the most likely ancestral distribution for both L5 and L6 was the...