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Cardiovascular health benefits of moderate-to-vigorous and vigorous physical activity in healthy adolescents (Publications)
N-Benzoyl-2-hydroxybenzamides displayed high activity against protozoan parasites (Publications)
Malabsorption tropicale et parasitoses (Publications)
Schlangenbiss und Schlangenbissvergiftung (Publications)
Serodiagnosis of tissue dwelling parasites: appalication of a multi-antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for screening (Publications)
Novel nitro(triazole/imidazole)-based heteroarylamides/sulfonamides as potential antitrypanosomal drugs (Publications)
Das Schweizerische Tropeninstitut (Publications)
Über Protozoen im Darm höherer Termiten (Fam. Termitidae) der Elfenbeinküste (Publications)
Medizinischer Ratgeber für Reisen und Aufenthalte in südlichen Ländern (Publications)
Der Biotop des Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus in der Schweiz (Publications)