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Identification and characterisation of ring stage- specific genes in the human malaria parasite <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
Einfluss des Rauchens von "leichten" bzw. "starken" Zigaretten auf Blutdruck und Plasma-Cholesterin (Publications)
The relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to variation in malaria immunity, infection and related morbidity, in areas highly... (Publications)
Neue Aspekte der Säuglingssterblichkeit und der Totgeburtlichkeit in der Schweiz (Publications)
Reducing the stigma of mental illness: a report from a Global Programme of the World Psychiatric Association (Publications)
Clinical diagnostic and sociocultural dimensions of deliberate self-harm in Mumbai, India (Publications)
The intrinsic value of mental health (Publications)
Adoption of new HIV treatment guidelines and drug substitutions within first-line as a measure of quality of care in rural Lesotho: health centers and... (Publications)
Metabolic disorders among adult patients on anti-retroviral therapy in rural Southern Africa - a cross-sectional multi-center study in rural Lesotho (Publications)
Key global challenges in water and sanitation from the perspective of the NCCR North-South (Publications)