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Clinical treatment of malaria in returned travelers (Publications)
The use of ultrasound in schistosomiasis (Publications)
Other important viral infections (Publications)
Austauschtransfusion bei schwerer Malaria: ja oder nein? (Publications)
Tropenmedizin 2001: Lichter am Malariahorizont (Publications)
Malaria (Publications)
Viren ohne Grenzen - Tollwutrisiko auf Reisen (Publications)
Reise-, Migrations- und Tropenmedizin (Publications)
A practical guide to the standardised use of ultrasonography for the assessment of morbidity due to <em>Schistosoma japonicum</em> and <em>Schistosoma... (Publications)
Schistosomiasis: an underestimated problem in industrialized countries? (Publications)