Gift from nature: cyclomarin a kills mycobacteria and malaria parasites by distinct modes of action (Publications)
Malaria continues to be one of the most devastating human diseases despite many efforts to limit its spread by prevention of infection or by pharmaceutical treatment of patients. We have conducted a screen [...] enzymesubstrate complex. These results validate PfAp3Aase as a new drug target for the treatment of malaria. We have previously elucidated the structurally unrelated regulatory subunit ClpC1 of the ClpP protease
Genetic diversity and protective efficacy of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine (Publications)
clinical malaria in which parasites matched the vaccine in the entire circumsporozoite protein C-terminal (139 infections), as compared with 33.4% (95% CI, 29.3 to 37.2) against mismatched malaria (1951 [...] age, the RTS,S vaccine has greater activity against malaria parasites with the matched circumsporozoite protein allele than against mismatched malaria. The overall vaccine efficacy in this age category [...] protein of Plasmodium falciparum and has partial protective efficacy against...
No fever, no malaria? A diagnostic challenge in an immunocompromised patient (Publications)
women with proven malaria tropicana. Fever was not reported with this patient. We conclude that the concept of using fever as a primary surrogate indicator for the presence of malaria should be used with
Defining the relationship between infection prevalence and clinical incidence of<em> Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria (Publications)
falciparum malaria cases. In response, cartographic approaches have been developed that link maps of infection prevalence with mathematical relationships to predict the incidence rate of clinical malaria. Mi
Progress with <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>sporozoite (PfSPZ)-based malaria vaccines (Publications)
injectable PfSPZ-based vaccine that provides high grade, durable protection against infection with Pf malaria. Several candidate vaccines are being developed and tested, including PfSPZ Vaccine, in which the [...] and long-term objectives for a final product suitable for mass administration to achieve regional malaria elimination and eventual global eradication
The effect of malaria control on <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> in Africa between 2000 and 2015 (Publications)
database of malaria field surveys with detailed reconstructions of changing intervention coverage to directly evaluate trends from 2000 to 2015, and quantify the attributable effect of malaria disease control [...] contributor (68% of cases averted). Although still below target levels, current malaria interventions have substantially reduced malaria disease incidence across the continent. Increasing access to these interventions [...] Since the year 2000, a concerted campaign against malaria has...
Prices and mark-ups on antimalarials: evidence from nationally representative studies in six malaria-endemic countries (Publications)
sector is an important source of treatment for malaria. However, private patients face high prices for the recommended treatment for uncomplicated malaria, artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs), which
A novel approach for measuring the burden of uncomplicated <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria: application to data from Zambia (Publications)
While the primary reason for treating malaria is to reduce disease burden, the effects of treatment are generally ignored in estimates of the burden of malaria morbidity, which are usually presented in [...] for estimating burden of disease based on the point prevalence of malaria attributable disease, or equivalently, the days with malaria fever in unit time. The technique makes use of data available from [...] patterns in malaria therapy patients, and data on recall bias. Application of this...
Care-seeking patterns for fatal malaria in Tanzania (Publications)
health systems. Although patterns of care-seeking during uncomplicated malaria episodes are well known, studies in cases of fatal malaria are rare. Care-seeking behaviours may differ between these groups. [...] children less than five years of age with fatal malaria seen between 1999 and 2001 during over 240,000 person-years of follow-up in a stable perennial malaria transmission setting in southern Tanzania. Accounts [...] respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In this study of fatal malaria in southern...
Malaria and urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
live in urban areas. Recognizing that malaria control can improve the health of the vulnerable and remove a major obstacle to their economic development, the Malaria Knowledge Programme of the Liverpool [...] School of Tropical Medicine and the Systemwide Initiative on Malaria and Agriculture convened a multi-sectoral technical consultation on urban malaria in Pretoria, South Africa from 2nd to 4th December, 2004 [...] 2004. The aim of the meeting was to identify strategies for the assessment...