Complement factor D, albumin, and immunoglobulin G anti-band 3 protein antibodies mimic serum in promoting rosetting of malaria-infected red blood... (Publications)
blood cells (parasitized RBC [pRBC]) with uninfected RBC has been associated in many studies with malaria morbidity and is one form of cytoadherence observed with malarial parasites. Rosetting is serum dependent
Evidence of HLA class II association with antibody response against the malaria vaccine SPF66 in a naturally exposed population (Publications)
The antibody response against the malaria vaccine SPf66 and against circumsporozoite (CS) protein has been tested in immune adults from a malaria endemic area in Papua New Guinea. All individuals were
The contribution of health-care services to a sound and sustainable malaria-control policy (Publications)
efforts to control malaria and other diseases without taking into account health-system performance and sustainability. Even assuming that the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM)--a recent [...] HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, besides presenting a large mortality and morbidity burden in developing countries, are also responsible for poor economic development. In the past international
Cost-effectiveness of social marketing of insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in the United Republic of Tanzania (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To assess the costs and consequences of a social marketing approach to malaria control in children by means of insecticide-treated nets in two rural districts of the United Republic of Tanzania [...] marketing of insecticide-treated nets is an attractive intervention for preventing childhood deaths from malaria