Defining the relationship between infection prevalence and clinical incidence of<em> Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria (Publications)
falciparum malaria cases. In response, cartographic approaches have been developed that link maps of infection prevalence with mathematical relationships to predict the incidence rate of clinical malaria. Mi
Genetic diversity and protective efficacy of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine (Publications)
clinical malaria in which parasites matched the vaccine in the entire circumsporozoite protein C-terminal (139 infections), as compared with 33.4% (95% CI, 29.3 to 37.2) against mismatched malaria (1951 [...] age, the RTS,S vaccine has greater activity against malaria parasites with the matched circumsporozoite protein allele than against mismatched malaria. The overall vaccine efficacy in this age category [...] protein of Plasmodium falciparum and has partial protective efficacy against...
No fever, no malaria? A diagnostic challenge in an immunocompromised patient (Publications)
women with proven malaria tropicana. Fever was not reported with this patient. We conclude that the concept of using fever as a primary surrogate indicator for the presence of malaria should be used with
The elderly, the young and the pregnant traveler - a retrospective data analysis from a large Swiss Travel Center with a special focus on malaria... (Publications)
in Switzerland especially focusing on travel to yellow fever and malaria-endemic countries, and yellow fever vaccination (YFV) and malaria medications. METHOD: An analysis of pre-travel visits between 2010 [...] months was vaccinated. 80% of young travelers and a similar percentage of pregnant women went to malaria-endemic regions. Twenty-five pregnant/breastfeeding women traveled to YF endemic areas. CONCLUSIONS: [...] vulnerable travelers are comparable to those of other travelers. In view of...
Gift from nature: cyclomarin a kills mycobacteria and malaria parasites by distinct modes of action (Publications)
Malaria continues to be one of the most devastating human diseases despite many efforts to limit its spread by prevention of infection or by pharmaceutical treatment of patients. We have conducted a screen [...] enzymesubstrate complex. These results validate PfAp3Aase as a new drug target for the treatment of malaria. We have previously elucidated the structurally unrelated regulatory subunit ClpC1 of the ClpP protease
Progress with <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>sporozoite (PfSPZ)-based malaria vaccines (Publications)
injectable PfSPZ-based vaccine that provides high grade, durable protection against infection with Pf malaria. Several candidate vaccines are being developed and tested, including PfSPZ Vaccine, in which the [...] and long-term objectives for a final product suitable for mass administration to achieve regional malaria elimination and eventual global eradication
The effect of malaria control on <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> in Africa between 2000 and 2015 (Publications)
database of malaria field surveys with detailed reconstructions of changing intervention coverage to directly evaluate trends from 2000 to 2015, and quantify the attributable effect of malaria disease control [...] contributor (68% of cases averted). Although still below target levels, current malaria interventions have substantially reduced malaria disease incidence across the continent. Increasing access to these interventions [...] Since the year 2000, a concerted campaign against malaria has...
Assessing the impact of next-generation rapid diagnostic tests on <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria elimination strategies (Publications)
n strategies are being considered as a means to interrupt transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. However, the effectiveness of such strategies will depend on the extent to which current and future
Giant host red blood cell membrane mimicking polymersomes bind parasite proteins and malaria parasites (Publications)
we aim for a dual action with drug- and 'vaccine-like' activity against malaria. By inhibiting entry of malaria parasites into host red blood cells (RBCs) - using polymer vesicle-based (polymersome) nanomimics [...] formed with the same block copolymers as nanomimics, also bind the corresponding malaria parasite ligand and whole malaria parasites, similar to nanomimics. This was demonstrated using fluorescence imaging [...] Malaria is an infectious disease that needs to be addressed using...