Nanomimics of host cell membranes block invasion and expose invasive malaria parasites (Publications)
The fight against most infectious diseases, including malaria, is often hampered by the emergence of drug resistance and lack or limited efficacies of vaccines. Therefore, new drugs, vaccines, or other [...] ligands involved in the initial attachment to host cells and they efficiently blocked reinvasion of malaria parasites after their egress from host cells in vitro. They exhibited efficacies of more than 2 orders [...] infective parasite. In the future, our strategy might offer interesting...
Implementation of the global plan for insecticide resistance management in malaria vectors: progress, challenges and the way forward (Publications)
resistance of malaria vectors to insecticides, particularly to pyrethroids which are widely used in insecticide-treated nets. The Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management in malaria vectors (GPIRM) [...] to effective malaria prevention. Aligning efforts and assigning the needed resources will ensure the optimal implementation of GPIRM with the ultimate goal of maintaining effective malaria vector control [...] (GPIRM), released in May 2012, is a collective strategy for the malaria...
An operational comparative study of quinine and artesunate for the treatment of severe malaria in hospitals and health centres in the Democratic... (Publications)
has the highest number of severe malaria cases in the world. In early 2012, the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) changed the policy for treating severe malaria in children and adults from injectable
Endlich: Die Malaria-Impfung kommt [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
"Bill Gates selbst gibt am Gates Malaria Forum in Seattle die bahnbrechende Nachricht bekannt: Erstmals im 100-jährigen Kampf gegen Malaria kann die Registrierung eines Impfstoffs eingeleitet werden. Schon [...] Schon bald können also Säuglinge in Malaria-Gebieten routinemässig gegen den lebensbedrohlichen Erreger geimpft und Millionen Menschenleben gerettet werden. Einer freut sich besonders über den Durchbruch: [...] Durchbruch: Der Schweizer Marcel Tanner, unermüdlicher Kämpfer gegen Malaria...