Meta-analysis: accuracy of rapid tests for malaria in travelers returning from endemic areas (Publications)
PURPOSE: To determine the accuracy of rapid diagnostic tests for ruling out malaria in nonimmune travelers returning from malaria-endemic areas. DATA SOURCES: The authors searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CAB Health [...] of rapid diagnostic tests improves outcomes in returning travelers with suspected malaria. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid malaria tests may be a useful diagnostic adjunct to microscopy in centers without major expertise [...] BACKGROUND: Microscopic diagnosis of malaria is unreliable outside...
Starting at the community: treatment seeking pathways of children with suspected severe malaria in Uganda (Publications)
five years with suspected severe malaria. Methods: An observational study in Uganda enrolled children below five years presenting to CHWs with signs of severe malaria. Children were followed up 28 days [...] Introduction: Community health workers (CHW) usually refer children with suspected severe malaria to the nearest public health facility or a designated public referral health facility (RHF). Caregivers
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> cerebral malaria complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation and symmetrical peripheral gangrene: case report... (Publications)
The case of a 56-year-old female tourist who survived cerebral Plasmodium falciparum malaria with disseminated intravascular coagulation and symmetrical peripheral gangrene, ultimately requiring amputation [...] gangrene has been described rarely in Asian, African, and American patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria and disseminated intravascular coagulation, no such case has been reported in travelers returning
Comparative field evaluation of the Mbita trap, the Centers for Disease Control light trap, and the human landing catch for sampling of malaria... (Publications)
to the sampling method used. It is concluded that the Mbita trap is a promising tool for sampling malaria vector populations since its catch can be readily converted into equivalent human biting catch, it [...] exposure-free manner. Such intensive sampling capability will allow cost-effective surveillance of malaria transmission at much finer spatial and temporal resolution than has been previously possible
El-Ninõ Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and annual malaria incidence in Southern Africa (Publications)
We evaluated the association between annual malaria incidence and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as measured by the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) in five countries in Southern Africa from 1988 [...] 1988 to 1999. Below normal incidence of malaria synchronised with a negative SOI (El Niño) and above normal incidence with a positive SOI (La Niña), which lead to dry and wet weather conditions, respectively [...] respectively. In most countries there was a positive relationship between SOI...