Mapping intra-urban malaria risk using high resolution satellite imagery: a case study of Dar es Salaam (Publications)
of malaria in rapidly growing African urban settlements. The complex and heterogeneous nature of urban malaria requires a better understanding of the spatial and temporal patterns of urban malaria risk [...] localized heterogeneity of malaria transmission and develop a high resolution predictive malaria risk map of Dar es Salaam. RESULTS: Results indicate that the risk of malaria infection varied across the [...] settlements by 2030, the burden of malaria among urban populations in Africa...
Evaluation of malaria diagnoses using a handheld light microscope in a community-based setting in rural Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Portable microscopy may facilitate quality diagnostic care in resource-constrained settings. We compared a handheld light microscope (Newton Nm1) with a mobile phone attachment to conventional light m
Severe malaria in Europe: an 8-year multi-centre observational study (Publications)
lly confirmed severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria according to the 2006 WHO criteria. RESULTS: From 2006 to 2014 a total of 185 patients with severe malaria treated in 12 European countries were included [...] patients with severe malaria in this study were tourists or migrants acquiring the infection in West Africa. Intravenous artesunate is increasingly used for treatment of severe malaria in many European treatment [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria remains one of the most serious infections for...
Changes in malaria burden and transmission in sentinel sites after the roll-out of long-lasting insecticidal nets in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
exhibits a complex malaria epidemiology due to diversity in malaria parasites, mosquito vectors, human hosts, and their natural environment. Heterogeneities in transmission and burden of malaria at various scales [...] scales are likely to affect the success of malaria control interventions, and vice-versa. This manuscript assesses changes in malaria prevalence, incidence and transmission in sentinel sites following the [...] Diagnosis of malaria infection in humans was done by rapid diagnostic...
A malaria risk map of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (Publications)
This study presents the first malaria risk map of Kinshasa, a mega city of roughly 10 million inhabitants and located in a highly endemic malaria zone. Prevalence of malaria, anaemia and reported fever was [...] prevalence for malaria and anaemia was 6.4 % (5.6-7.4) and 65.1 % (63.7-66.6) in 2009, and 17.0 % (15.7-18.3) and 64.2 % (62.6-65.9) in 2011. In two HZs sampled in both surveys, malaria prevalence was [...] BACKGROUND: In Kinshasa, malaria remains a major public health problem but its...
Spatially variable risk factors for malaria in a geographically heterogeneous landscape, western Kenya: an explorative study (Publications)
factors for malaria can give insight into which human and environmental characteristics play important roles in sustaining malaria transmission. METHODS: On Rusinga Island, western Kenya, malaria infection [...] negatively associated with malaria prevalence. DISCUSSION: Identification of risk factors for malaria that vary geographically can provide insight into the local epidemiology of malaria. Examining spatially [...] Combining the data from both surveys, overall malaria prevalence was 24 %....
Stakeholders' opinions and questions regarding the anticipated malaria vaccine in Tanzania (Publications)
accept the malaria vaccine despite the need to continue using insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), while 88.4 % reported that they will accept malaria vaccine even if their children get malaria less often [...] opinions towards malaria vaccine were due to a need for additional malaria prevention strategies and expectations that the vaccine will reduce visits to the health facility, deaths, malaria episodes and [...] BACKGROUND: Within the context of combined interventions, malaria vaccine may...
Ecological drivers of <em>Mansonella perstans</em> infection in Uganda and patterns of co-endemicity with lymphatic filariasis and malaria (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Mansonella perstans is a widespread, but relatively unknown human filarial parasite transmitted by Culicoides biting midges. Although it is found in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, only