Estimation of the sequestered parasite load in severe malaria patients using both host and parasite markers (Publications)
The virulence of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is due, in part, to its ability to cytoadhere in deep vascular beds. Our inability to quantify the load of sequestered parasites hampers our [...] patterns of peripheral parasite densities in a series of 22 patients with severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The markers comprised the host factors: haematocrit, circulating host DNA, sTNF-R75 and parasite
Vaccines against malaria: perspectives from Papua New Guinea (Publications)
perspectives on malaria vaccines. Building on a long history of malaria research, in this article we review past achievements, highlight current research and outline future directions in malaria vaccine research [...] transmission of all four species of human malaria, a full range of malaria endemicities, well described epidemiology and a demonstrated capacity to evaluate a malaria vaccine, PNG currently has the only field [...] Despite its small population and isolated location Papua New Guinea...
Comparative field evaluation of the Mbita trap, the Centers for Disease Control light trap, and the human landing catch for sampling of malaria... (Publications)
to the sampling method used. It is concluded that the Mbita trap is a promising tool for sampling malaria vector populations since its catch can be readily converted into equivalent human biting catch, it [...] exposure-free manner. Such intensive sampling capability will allow cost-effective surveillance of malaria transmission at much finer spatial and temporal resolution than has been previously possible
Forscher im Kampf gegen Malaria [TV Broadcast] (Publications)
Malaria gehört zu den drei schlimmsten Infektionskrankheiten der Welt, neben Tuberkulose und HIV. Basler Wissenschaftler haben eine ganz neue Substanz entdeckt, die den hartnäckigen Erreger töten kann
Country specific predictions of the cost-effectiveness of malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS01 in endemic Africa (Publications)
evaluated at country levels of malaria parasite prevalence, coverage of control interventions and immunization. Benefits and costs of the program incremental to routine malaria control were evaluated for a [...] potential to substantially reduce malaria burden in children across Africa. Conditional on assumptions on price, coverage, and vaccine properties, adding RTS,S to routine malaria control interventions would [...] If implemented in all 43 countries the vaccine has the potential to avert...