Impact of climate variability on the transmission risk of malaria in northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
climate patterns might affect the transmission of malaria. The purpose of this study was to analyze climate and environmental parameters associated with malaria transmission in Korhogo, a city in northern Cote [...] (95% CI: 0.1 to 6.7%) in clinical malaria episodes. A 0.1 unit increase in monthly NDVI was associated with a 7.3% (95% CI: 0.8 to 14.1%) increase in the monthly malaria count. There was a similar increase [...] 2.3% to 11.2%)). The study results can be used to establish a malaria...
A public antibody lineage that potently inhibits malaria infection through dual binding to the circumsporozoite protein (Publications)
with attenuated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites (PfSPZs) has been shown to be protective against malaria, but the features of the antibody response induced by this treatment remain unclear. To investigate [...] repeated injection of Sanaria PfSPZ Vaccine and who were found to be protected from controlled human malaria infection with infectious homologous PfSPZs. All isolated IgG monoclonal antibodies bound to P.
A review of spatial epidemiology with malaria surveillance and control in China (Publications)
monitoring and control of malaria depends largely on the spatial analysis technology and mathematical models. Visualization of malaria situation is the most popular way to present how malaria transmits. In this [...] paper, the malaria epidemic situation and the application of spatial epidemiology of malaria in China are summarized, so as to provide the systematic epidemiological information for malaria elimination
Small-scale field evaluation of push-pull system against early- and outdoor-biting malaria mosquitoes in an area of high pyrethroid resistance in... (Publications)
mortality in push-pull contexts. This approach, if optimised, could potentially complement existing malaria interventions even in areas with high pyrethroid resistance.
Immunization of malaria pre-exposed volunteers with PfSPZ Vaccine elicits long-lived IgM invasion-inhibitory and complement-fixing antibodies (Publications)
antibodies are induced following immunization of malaria pre-exposed volunteers with PfSPZ Vaccine. We found that in addition to anti-PfCSP IgG, Malaria pre-exposed volunteers developed anti-PfCSP IgM [...] and Pf sporozoite-binding IgM antibodies are induced following immunization of PfSPZ Vaccine in malaria pre-exposed individuals and that IgM antibodies can inhibit Pf sporozoite invasion into hepatocytes
The influence of malaria control interventions and climate variability on changes in the geographical distribution of parasite prevalence in Kenya... (Publications)
The burden of malaria in Kenya was showing a declining trend, but appears to have reached a plateau in recent years. This study estimated changes in the geographical distribution of malaria parasite risk [...] contribution of malaria control interventions and climatic/ environmental factors to these changes. METHODS: Bayesian geostatistical models were used to analyse the Kenyan 2015 and 2020 Malaria Indicator Survey [...] coverage of most malaria indicators related to Insecticide Treated Nets...
Empowering rural communities for effective larval source management: a small-scale field evaluation of a community-led larviciding approach to control... (Publications)
source management, particularly larviciding, is mainly implemented in urban settings to control malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. In Tanzania, the government has recently expanded larviciding [...] characterize and target larval habitats of Anopheles funestus mosquitoes, the dominant vector of malaria transmission in south-eastern Tanzania. Methods: A mixed-methods study was used. First, intervie [...] community-based volunteers were trained to identify and characterize aquatic habitats...
Forecasting malaria dynamics based on causal relations between control interventions, climatic factors, and disease incidence in western Kenya (Publications)
drivers and investigate their effects, interaction strength, and suitability ranges on malaria incidence. Monthly malaria cases were collected at St. Elizabeth Lwak Mission Hospital. Intervention coverage [...] Short-term forecasting of malaria incidence was performed using state-space reconstruction. RESULTS: We observed causal links between climatic drivers, bed net use, and malaria incidence. LSTD lagged over [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria remains one of the deadliest diseases worldwide,...
AnophelesModel: an R package to interface mosquito bionomics, human exposure and intervention effects with models of malaria intervention impact (Publications)
semi-field studies of malaria transmission have gathered geographic-specific information about mosquito ecology, behaviour and their sensitivity to interventions. Mathematical models of malaria transmission can [...] incorporate such data to infer the likely impact of vector control interventions and hence guide malaria control strategies in various geographies. To facilitate this process and make model predictions [...] addition, it offers formatted outputs ready to use in downstream analyses...