Correction: Testing and treatment for malaria elimination: a systematic review (Publications)
Correction: Malaria Journal (2023) 22:254
Accessibility of malaria commodities in Geita District Council, Mainland Tanzania: the experiences from healthcare providers and clients (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Access to essential malaria commodities is a cornerstone in malaria control. However optimal availability and access to essential malaria commodities remain a challenge in Tanzania. Therefore [...] the accessibility, of malaria commodities in private and faith-based health facilities is still sub-optimal. Logistic management needs to be improved to eliminate stockouts and malaria commodities high costs [...] Therefore, this study aimed to explore the factors affecting the...
Relative effects of climate factors and malaria control interventions on changes of parasitaemia risk in Burkina Faso from 2014 to 2017/2018 (Publications)
the role of malaria control interventions and climatic factors in influencing changes in the risk of malaria parasitaemia. METHODS: Bayesian logistic geostatistical models were fitted on Malaria Indicator [...] Burkina Faso, the prevalence of malaria has decreased over the past two decades, following the scale-up of control interventions. The successful development of malaria parasites depends on several climatic [...] obtained in 2014 and 2017/2018 to estimate the effects of malaria control...
Climate change, malaria and neglected tropical diseases: a scoping review (Publications)
To explore the effects of climate change on malaria and 20 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), and potential effect amelioration through mitigation and adaptation, we searched for papers published from [...] 1543 full-text papers were assessed. Of 511 papers meeting the inclusion criteria, 185 studied malaria, 181 dengue and chikungunya and 53 leishmaniasis; other NTDs were relatively understudied. Mitigation [...] (34%) and adaption strategies in 24 (5%). Amplitude and direction of effects of...
Field evaluation of a volatile pyrethroid spatial repellent and etofenprox treated clothing for outdoor protection against forest malaria vectors in... (Publications)
Cambodia's goal to eliminate malaria by 2025 is challenged by persistent transmission in forest and forest fringe areas, where people are exposed to Anopheles mosquito bites during the day and night. Volatile [...] the potential to reduce outdoor and daytime Anopheles biting, offering valuable contributions to malaria elimination efforts in Cambodia and the Greater Mekong Subregion, contingent upon achieving effective
Identification of potent and reversible piperidine carboxamides that are species-selective orally active proteasome inhibitors to treat malaria (Publications)
Malaria remains a global health concern as drug resistance threatens treatment programs. We identified a piperidine carboxamide (SW042) with anti-malarial activity by phenotypic screening. Selection of [...] Pf_proteasome β5 active-site (Pfβ5). A potent analog (SW584) showed efficacy in a mouse model of human malaria after oral dosing. SW584 had a low propensity to generate resistance (minimum inoculum for resistance
Optimizing malaria vector control in the Greater Mekong Subregion: a systematic review and mathematical modelling study to identify desirable... (Publications)
the daytime and night-time to advance malaria elimination. METHODS: We conducted systematic literature searches to generate a bionomic dataset of the main malaria vectors in the GMS, including human blood
Improving coverage of antenatal iron and folic acid supplementation and malaria prophylaxis through targeted information and home deliveries in Côte... (Publications)
09, p=0.235) for INFO+DELIV. While INFO had no effect on malaria parasitaemia (aPR=0.95, 95% CI 0.39 to 2.31, p=0.915), INFO+DELIV reduced malaria parasitaemia by 83% (aPR=0.17, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.75, p=0 [...] INTRODUCTION: Coverage of antenatal iron and folic acid (IFA) supplementation and malaria chemoprophylaxis remains low in many low-income and middle-income settings. We assessed the effectiveness of personal [...] intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp), and their...
Assessing the variability in experimental hut trials evaluating insecticide-treated nets against malaria vectors (Publications)
Experimental hut trials (EHTs) are used to evaluate indoor vector control interventions against malaria vectors in a controlled setting. The level of variability present in the assay will influence whether